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"... of the month" Award Winners


Nook-a-licious Man of the Month


As you may or may not already know, I have a thing for men who can cook.  ROCCO DISPIRITO is a man who sizzles.  This busy guy has three restaurants in NYC.  In fact, he recently showcased the opening of his latest restaurant on national television in the show "The Restaurant".  He loves his mama, too, which is a big plus, especially when you consider the old wives' tale that how a guy treats his lady is reflected in how he treats his mother.  I could make a really dirty comment involving an item that is a popular dish at his restaurant (the meatballs) but out of respect for him, I won't.... even though I really want to.

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month


A little bit of Dana Carvey and a little bit of the Fonze and a whole lotta nerd. If you missed this crazy guy this summer with Tori Amos on the Lottapianos tour, you were missing out not only on some mad piano playin' skills and some funny as hell musical antics, you were missing out on an all around cute guy. No longer with his five, this guy plays solo in style. Congratulations to BEN FOLDS, September's scrawnylicious man of the month. He can rock my suburb anyday...

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

August 2003

July 2003

June 2003

May 2003

April 2003

March 2003

February 2003

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
