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"... of the month" Award Winners


Nook-a-licious Man of the Month

Who would have guessed that the shortest month of the year would have the tallest guy we've ever honored.  At 7'6", there is a lot to love about Houston Rockets player YAO MING.  We think he's the best thing to come from China since the fortune cookie.  Besides, we might as well honor him now before we get sick of seeing him on all those VISA and Apple Computer ads.... but you gotta admit... he's cute.

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month



Come on, you knew he was gonna win scrawnylicious eventually. How could he not? For all the work that he does with Weezer, his awesome videos and we can't forget Karlophone, this guy is a master of many arts. Speaking of Art, we heard from a little birdie that he went to art school to study painting. How can we not help but be a little in awe of him, he's awesome!!! Who are we talking about you ask? None other than the man himself, KARL KOCH-February's scrawnylicious man of the month!

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
