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"... of the month" Award Winners


Nook-a-licious Man of the Month


Ok, so this really has nothing to do with the man pictured above, JAMES FROM ROAD RULES...  One day, we were flipping through channels and we noticed this guy on the MTV Battle of the Sexes Real World/Road Rules Challenge who bore a striking resemblance to our next door neighbor, Nick.  (Jenny has S&M fanatises about Nick, but she will probably deny it if you ask her about it.)  So just because we don't have a picture of Nick, we have to award this month to that guy, James, who looks a lot like him.  Sorry.

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month


Okay, talk about one cool cat. He captured our attention back in the mid-90s with "Loser", but now BECK is all grown up. Showing his sensitive side on his recent album "Sea Change" how can we not want to give the man a hug? Not only is he the epitome of all that is classy, but he is also March's scrawnylicious man of the month.

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

February 2003

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
