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"... of the month" Award Winners


(Please note:  We've declared this month our "Trading Spaces" month, so Jenny will be doing the nook-a-licious award and Becca will be doing the Scrawnylicious award.  Normally it's the other way around.  Why are we doing this, you ask?  Well, we had to do something daring and interesting for sweeps - heehee!)

Nook-a-licious Man of the Month

Well, usually we only pick one man for nookalicious, but this month goes to show that two really is double the fun! What a better way to honor the brothers behind part of the magic of the Space Twins (you know, our favorite rhythm guitarist's band)! For two other cool guys from Knoxville, Tennessee, TIM AND GLENN MALOOF, we salute you! Congratulations, May's nookalicious men of the month!

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month


There is nothing sexier than a man who can cook, but when a guy is sexy without even having to cook, there is something special about that man.  JAMIE OLIVER, otherwise known as the "Naked Chef" (even his nickname stirs fanaties), is cute, British (hence the adorable accent and forgivibly bad teeth), and a professional chef.  He can cook for me any day!  Too bad he's married (but then again, so is Glen Maloof)...  Oh well! 

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

April 2003

March 2003

February 2003

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
