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"... of the month" Award Winners


Nook-a-licious Man of the Month

Is it a bad thing when you leave a show having more admiration for the "special guest" than the man you came to see?  Maybe I should ask JOSH HAGER, Matt Sharp's go-to guy for the guitar stylings and lap steel ambiance.  After all, we left the most recent Matt Sharp show more in awe of Josh, than Matt himself.  Don't get me wrong, I still love Matt, but he'd better watch his back because his back-up guy is nipping at his heels.  Josh is my hero and Mr. July!  Did I forget to mention he's my hero?

Scrawnylicious Man(Men) of the Month


They always say that two is better than about five? Yes, count them ladies and gents, FIVE scrawnylicous men this month. They can croon and kick out the tunes like any great rock band. With a bit of 60s flair and enough SoCal in them to go around, this band has ladies (and perhaps a few gentlemen?) from all around stopping dead in their tracks to enjoy the eye (and ear) candy. If you missed them last summer on the west coast part of the Enlightenment tour with Weezer or haven't had a chance to check them out when they hit your town, you are missing out! Congratulations to ROONEY, July's Scrawnylicious men!!!

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

June 2003

May 2003

April 2003

March 2003

February 2003

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
