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"... of the month" Award Winners


(this month is dedicated to an old friend of Becca's who knows who she is...)

Nook-a-licious Man of the Month


This man is so sexy, he had his own estrogen brigade and a song written for him by Bree Sharp (no known relation to Matt).  Once the investigator of the supernatural and unknown, Fox Mulder on the TV show the X-Files, DAVID DUCHOVNY is now kickin' it back with his wife, Teá Leoni, and their offspring. (He's smart and sexy, so of course he's taken... oh well...) Last I heard, this vegan was making appearences on the show Life with Bonnie and even got nominated for an Emmy for it.  I wish him the best, although I do miss Mulder...

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month


If there is one man who can make bald sexy, this man is it. If you don't recognize this familiar babyface, you are missing out. Frontman of the mid-to late 90s alt-band The Smashing Pumpkins, and his most recent project Zwan, this guy is a must have for your musical collection and perhaps your personal collection? (just kidding, I don't condone human enslavement). Regardless, congratulations to BILLY CORGAN, August's scrawnylicious man of the month!

Wanna see who our past honorees are?

July 2003

June 2003

May 2003

April 2003

March 2003

February 2003

January 2003

November/December 2002

October 2002

September 2002
