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"... of the month" Award Winners


Nook-a-licious Man of the Month

     This month, there was a tiebreaker situation.  Becca voted for Matt Sharp and Jenny voted for Scott Shriner.  We had to go to a tiebreaker situation, calling on our (somewhat biased) friend Martha.  She, naturally, picked Scott and Becca cried "Florida! Florida!," claiming the voting was rigged.  Her feelings weren't hurt too badly, admitting that Scott did have very nice nook.  Maybe next month, Matt.  The Nook-a-licious Man of the Month is SCOTT SHRINER!!!!

Scrawnylicious Man of the Month

     This month's vote was no contest.  Becca and Jenny came to a very quick and very unanimous decision.  Frankly, we didn't see how anybody else who could compare.  C'mon, look at him!  Congratulations to BRIAN BELL, our Scrawnylicious Man of the Month.
