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Have you ever wondered which member of Weezer you would be?  Now here's your chance to find out!  Take our quiz! NOW! We command you!

(Note to bandmembers, if they ever see this:  Please do NOT take offense at anything we say. This is all in good fun, we promise! Oh!, and apologies to Jason Cropper for omitting him.  We just didn't know enough about you to include you in the quiz.  Sorry.)

What color are your eyes?
ICE Blue
Light Blue
Deep Blue
Hazel (but are more green than brown)
Hazel (but are more brown than green)
Deep Brown

What is your body type?
"I'm an adonis. I'm completely ripped."
"I guess you could say I'm chiseled."
"People say I'm kinda tall."
"I'm really short."
"I AM DEAD SEXY and I don't care if you think I'm average."
"When I turn sideways I disappear. Is that okay?"

You are hungry. What do you crave?
Potato Chips
A Snickers Bar
Dried Fruit

If you could be anywhere doing anything, what would you be doing and where would you be doing it?
"I'd be cruisin' the country in my hot rod."
"Partying at Mardi Gras in New Orleans sounds nice with an endless supply of hedonistic pleasures."
"I would be in a huge vintage clothing store going on a shopping spree."
"At home, napping the day away on a big, comfy couch."
"Chillin' in Tokyo, pickin' up some cute Japanese schoolgirls."
"On a secluded beach in Spain, making out with my lover."

What is that you're drinking?
Diet Coke
Tequilla (plus a Ritalin chaser after a few shots)

You're at a clothing store. What are you buying yourself?
A flowered polyester shirt.
An Armani suit.
A black, leather jacket and a wifebeater.
A really cool pair of shorts and a vintage t-shirt.
A dress shirt, a really cool tie, and maybe a sweater, too.
A soccer jersey. "My favorite team, of course."

People see you as...
the goofball
the eccentric introvert
the sex symbol
the fashion plate
the scene stealer
the badass

You're addicted to...
love (and you begin to sing "Addicted to Love")
writing songs ("I can't stop!!!!")

Which song best suits your personality?
Hash Pipe
Surf Wax
Island in the Sun
Fall Together
The World Has Turned...

Your smile is...
a wide, "cheshire cat"-like grin
glittering because of your gold tooth
a huge, movie star smile
very cute, but a little creepy at the same time
a sly, sexy grin
intoxicating, baby!

On stage, you are...
bobbin' your head and shakin' your leg
somewhat reserved, depending on your mood
all over the stage, jumping around like a maniac
showing as much stage presence as a guy in your position can give
ripping, shredding, and bending backwards
very sexual, with the occasional stunt like lighting your instument on fire

How do you play your instrument?
"It's all in the wrist!"
"I shred with a little bit of elbow grease."
"It's crazy, I know, but all my power comes from the shoulder and my arm goes from being a perfect right angle to being completely straight."
"Depending on the situation, I use a variation of wrist, elbow, and shoulder techniques.
"Ummm... with sticks?"
"If you must know, I play with extreme proficiency."

What are you thinking?
"Is it 4:20 yet?"
"Do these pants make me look fat?"
"I wonder what the weather is like in Fargo..."
"Do I have enough time to catch a quick nap?"
"What on earth happened to me?"
"Dm A A# Em (I think in chords.)"

Which color best suits you?
Emerald Green
Color? Try animal prints.

Your singing is...
very nasal
either very low or rock-type yelling
in falsetto
barely audible on the one album you sang on
only heard on the side stage even though it's really good