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A Prayer For Audrey

God's Prayer For Families
Of Missing Children!
The Original Writer
Arthur Maiorano.!

By Milton Nerenberg 2-11-99.!
By simply changing the name
This prayer could be used for other missing children
So please feel free to use for a loved one
This is the warmest wish of Audrey's father

Oh God, please help me find my missing daughter Audrey!
Audrey, I walk with you in the shadow of our LORD!
Hoping one day GOD will lead me directly to you!
Then I wondered where have I been and I suddenly!
realized that some of it was sin!

Dear Audrey, your shadow appeared again before me!
even darker this time as you may see! OH GOD, Is it!
because of what happened to me?!

Oh Audrey I say: Even though my life had much sorrow,!
I should have known better that I had you to follow!
How could I have not thought of you, when in my heart!
I would have known what to do.!

Audrey, without you to show me what I should do,!
And I your Father, Oh yes! I lost GOD too. !
The evil on this good old earth suddenly came.!
Now I know for sure that I am, The only one to blame!

With all this trouble, I walked in fear,
My LORD! My GOD, Can you not hear?!
I prayed to you GOD, Like that of my Father!
And to your blessed Mother, Like that of another.!

Oh GOD, Should it be you I fear? IS IT REALLY YOU I!
want to be near or is my Daughter Audrey who I fear?
When all is past and it is said, Dear GOD, Dear GOD,!
Will Audrey remain forever dead? !

Thus I write for you GOD to hear, Please erase all!
that which I fear. Amen.!

My daughter Audrey is not missing, she is still here!
A Short Story Poem For Families Of Missing Children.
The Original Writer Is Unknown.
Modified By Milton Nerenberg February 8, 1999.

Audrey, I stood by your bed last night! I came to have a peep.
I could see you were crying, You found it very hard to sleep.
I whined to you so softly as you brushed away a tear,
It's me Daddy! I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here.

I was close to you at breakfast and I watched you drink your milk
You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached out to me.

I was with you in the stores today, Your arms were getting so sore.
I longed to take your parcels, I only wished I could do alot more.

Audrey, I was with you at your grave today, I tend it with such care.
I only want to just re-assure you that you're not lying there.
I walked with you towards the house as you fumbled for your key
I gently put my hand on you, I smiled and said: it's only me your Dad.
You looked so tired as you sank into a chair and I tried so hard to
let you know that I was standing with you here!
It's very possible for me to be so near you everyday and to say
to you with certainty that "you really never went away."
You sat there very quietly and then smiled at me, I think you knew
in the stillness of the night that I was very close to you.

The day is over and as you climb the stairs. I smile and watch
you yawning as you say "good-night Dad, God bless you,
and I'llsee you in the morning."

Audrey I say: when the time is right for us to cross the great divide,
I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand together, side by side!
I still have so many things to show you my dear daughter Audrey and
there still is so much more for you to see. Be patient dear Audrey,
live your journey out then come home to be with me.
Your Loving Dad - Alway

Audrey, our angel you've
been missing so long
but, never have we stopped
singing your song

Audrey, your answer is out there
somewhere but, we're just not very sure
and only GOD has the cure.

Audrey, so heavy we do pray
for you and faith we do hold
for someday very soon an answer
will start to unfold.

But, we help all others
to remember the best
of our dear Audrey and so
let's put prayer to the test

Written by Debi Fisher 2002
Edited and modified
by Milton Nerenberg


When things go wrong as they sometimes wil
l When the road I'm trudging seems all uphill
When funds are low and debts are high
And I want to smile but I have to sigh
When care is pressing me down a bit,
Rest I must, but I won't quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns
As every one of us sometimes learns
And many a failure turns about
When I might have won but I stuck out
I won't give up though the pace seems slow
I may succeed with another blow.
Success is failure turned inside out
The silver tint of the cloud in doubt
And I never can tell how close I am
It may be near when it seems so far;
So I'll stick to the fight when I'm hardest hit.
It's when things seem worst I must not quit.

Original writer unknown.
Modified by Milton Nerenberg.

"It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."
By Eleanor Roosevelt


Beautiful hair, beautiful face,.
thanks to our holly grace.
iny fingers, tiny hands,
oh thanks to the one so grand!
What a precious sight to behold
as we look upon our newborn
Audrey Lyn who we hold.
Thank you my LORD, my GOD
and my friend for the over flowing
wealth that you send!

Pretty little baby brown eyes oh
so brown as a butterfly in the sky.
Little tiny beautiful lips makes
our heart do the flips.
Only our wondrous GOD up above
could make such a beautiful child of love!
Our Audrey Lyn is so trusting and new,
but GOD we ask you to please keep
her safe cause we surrender to you!

Let our little Audrey Lyn bring love
to all missing children in heaven above!
Tiny nose, tiny toes
oh GOD please send us the love
we need to find our Audrey Lyn
before she goes!!

Written by Zella Matthews

Modified by Milton Nerenberg.

A Prayer
For Audrey
The Brooklyn Skyline Story
Shame on MSNBC
Family Pictures
Without A Trace

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