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To complete this project you will need to complete both of the steps below. Step one will be completed and assessed individually. Step two will be completed as a group and will be assessed as such. Once this step is completed, you and your group will convene to create an informational brochure that will be provided to the students in your school via the health and guidance offices.

Step One:

Please follow each of the links below to answer the comprehension questions that you should have downloaded from the Task page.

     Pennsylvania Sexual Assault Statistics

     Women's Coalition of St. Croix

     CNN Video Clip

Step Two:


You and your group need to convene to create an informational brochure that will be provided to the students in your school via the health and guidance offices. While making this brochure your goal should be to create something that would have helped Melinda had she had access to it.

Please be sure visit the Evaluation page to view the rubric that will be used to assess your group's brochure prior to commencing with this step.

Your brochure must include the following:

    1.Sexual assault statistics(Accuracy, Citations, Appropriateness)
    2.Common forms of dating violence (Clear, Concise, Accurate)
    3.Tips for those who experience abuse (Detailed, Useful)

Click on the picture for the brochure template.
