不用背誦字根,符號, 不用苦練指法, 不會無所適從.
不用特殊鍵盤, 不用查參考書, 也不會被吊掛在機上.
Straightforward & Flexible Method
to Process Chinese with a 10-keyPAD
These 10 typical strokes can easily depict all
traditional & simplified Chinese,
Japanese (Kanji, Kana, Gana), and
Korean (HanJa, Hanguel)
GeoStroke Digital System
GeoStroke US Patent |
GeoStroke China Patent | GeoStroke Theory & Applications |
Only KeyPad Positions are Used
Q9 KeyBoard
A Newly Hong Kong Invented 9-key RADICAL System
Stroke-Code Chart
a newly Tai Wan invented 10-key Radical System互和中文輸入法
字母鍵 對 數字鍵
輸入碼仍然為 "字母", 非 "數目字".
CKC System
a HK-SuZhow invented 10-key Digital System
中文數據化研究Chinese Digitizing Research
Chinese Portal在別處找不到的資料,關心中文電腦的發展嗎? 我們喜歡聽聽你的意見. |