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1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath Match Results

Round 1:

Frostbite, Daniel, and Taima vs. Shing, Toshihiro, and Jiro
Snow, Scythe, and Bloodshed vs. Tsunami, Hail, and Newt
Mr. Miyagi, Daniel-san Larusso, and Mori Shintaro vs. Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum
Bella Donna, Donovan, and Miyo vs. Puma, Damion II, and Goliath

Team Edit/Semi-Finals:

Tsunami, Tum Tum, and Frostbite vs. Taima, Colt, and Donovan
Bella Donna, Newt, and Miyo vs. Rocky, Hail, and Daniel


Taima, Colt, and Donovan vs. Rocky, Hail, and Daniel

1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath Champions!!!