I can't belive this. I CANNOT believe this. I swear, I hate Rocky, I mean it this time, I hate him. It's already rough to have a brother like him. Rocky the great, Rocky who has a 4.0 GPA, Rocky who scored 32 points in one basketball game, Rocky who's popular all around, Rocky this, Rocky that, the list goes on and on. So when Colt gets like a 3.4 average, dad goes "study harder like your brother!"
So when Colt was mad because of that dude who got on his nerves and hit the dude coz he doesn't take B.S, granpa goes like "Colt, keep your cool, like Rocky!"
So when your little brother needed advice he goes to...ta da! Rocky. So when some cute girls come up to you so they can find out some info about your brother and not you. WHAT DO YOU FEEL LIKE? HUH? CAN YOU TELL ME? Crap, that's what. And now, of all the people, Rocky picked MY girlfriend to hang out with. MY girlfriend of all the girl he can get. Okay, so maybe I don't exactely love Tess but...okay, so maybe I'm not even sure I even like her much, we just kind of got together. That's not the point though, the point is that of all the girls he had to pick Tess to...to...kiss?
Oh my god, what have I done? WHat have I done? What have I done? What have I done? Colt is going to kill me, seriously, he's going to choke me, shoot me, drown me, anything. Unless I kill myself first. I'm overreacting. I am not. How could I? How could Tess? No, she's not the one to blame, you kissed her, no, she kissed you but you kissed back. WHat have I done?
Rocky and Colt are acting funny. Their both trying to ignore each other, pretending the other one didn't exsist. Colt seemed more unwilling then usual. You know, like stirs an argument for no reason. For example, mom told him to do his laundry(which he does every week). He YELLED back saying "Heck NO!!" And you shoulda see mom, she was foaming. And so was Colt I guess, because when she said he's grounded, he yelled "Who cares!" then slammed the door. 1 question, what's the big deal? He always does his laundry...I don't get him.
And so I am grounded. So what? I wish grounded meant I don't have to go to school. Because I really don't. I feel really tired and weared out. I can't control me temper, I know, I'll work on that sometime. But now, I just want to be left alone.
"Colt?" I heard Rocky's quiet voice.
I almost yelled for him to go away but realized that this was his room too.
"What?" My voice sounded cracky.
"Look um...I'm really really sorry."
I almost laughed. SOrry? He's sorry? After all he's done. "whatever" I replied.
"Seriously, I don't know what happened. Tess was flirting and..."
"Why don't you just shut up? Or better yet? Blame it all ON TESS! No, better yet, on me!" I yelled.
"Colt look, I'm telling the truth. I'm sorry to hurt you and I wish you'd believe me."
"JUST GO AWAY ROCKY. I'm so sick of you!" I murmured.
"Now, what the heck did I do?"
"Rocky, do you know what it's like being your brother? Because it's not fun."
"What are you talking about?" Rocky was confused.
I chuckled, "Do you know what my teacher said on the first day of school? Jeffery Douglas! You must be Samuel's brother! Oh, you must be so proud of your brother, he's a great kid, and you are too right?" It's been like that since 2nd grade. "Look, all I want is some space from my perfect brother. OKAY?" I pleaded.
Rocky looked hurt, "I'll leave you alone, but you don't know what your talking about Colt." With that, he left.
I'm perfect? I'm perfect? Colt doesn't know half of it. I heard faint guiter playing coming from our room. I guess Colt's playing another one of his songs. He was good though really really good. He probaly doesn't know this but he's really talented. He picked up the guiter and learned on his own at 7 when Tum and I were into power rangers. He was a born athlete with quickness and flexbility, plus he's wild as a horse and not afriad of anything. Perhaps that causes trouble sometimes but I wish I had his guts. He was smart too, he just doesn't like the strict learning in school, "so limited" as he would say. A lot of people in school admired him, he wasn't popular, he was the loner that nobody knew, he was just so cool...and distant. I thought I knew him, but I don't, not anymore.
So, I'm back in school. Back with the same people. There's the group of jocks, the rich ones with the abercrombie&fitch gears. Hey, Rocky's one of 'em! Then we have the posers, who try everything to wiggle their way into the popular crowd. WHICH I think is stupid. Then we have the smartie pants, argueing over something about...politics. And the rockers, they were in their baggy baggy jeans and heavy(girl) eyeliners and black lips and manson cds. I looked around. What AM I? A LONER, that's what I am, I walk alone...no, I'm Colt. WHat a way to put it.
It was my free period, I carried my books to the library, time to some major research on this genetics junk. I scanned the library, then saw Colt. He was in the middle of the library, with his feet on the table and writing in his notebook. Probaly another song...
So why don't you just drop it all
leave it all
Don't it hurt to know
that the world is void
Okay...I scribbled on the notebook paper. THIS is CRAP. I wanted to rip the paper.
"Young man, for the last time. PUT you foot down." The librarian, Mrs.Dillins ordered.
I sighed then let my foot fell on the floor. Suddenly a loud sound came across, the sound...of a bullet. The next thing I know. Bullets were made in the library. People were screaming and yelling. I caught a glimpse of a figure, a kid in black carrying a silver handgun. Then I felt a sharp pain against my arm. Oh, god, what's going on? My right arm felt numb. THen I hurt a scream.
"Move Colt!!!!" Then a bullet made a slashing sound through the atomasphere. I felt someone hovering over me then collapsed with me.
I trembled in horror as I saw Rocky's limp body, against my own. The bullets didn't stop though, neither did the screams. But I couldn't hear any of that. I shook Rocky lightly as I dragged him behind a shlef.
"Rocky?" I could hear my rusty voice.
"Rocky!!!?" Rocky's face was white and his shirt was stained with red streaks...blood.
"Colt...are you okay?" his voice was soft and weak.
I nodded as I felt tears on the edges of my eye. "Rocky we gotta get you outta here."
He moaned softly then I felt his body tremble.
"Stay with me, man." I urged him as I held his body close to mine. "C'mon ROcky, you can't give up."
"who s-said nething about giv...giving up?" His unusual pale face looked as if it has been sprinkled with dried white ash. "I...I love you little bro." he clutched his knuckles.
And that was it, he just kind of...fell.
I felt dizzy. By now tears were streaming down my cheeks. THis DIDN"T make sense. I stood up, ignoring my pained arm. And came face to face with...christian with the gun in his hands. Christian was a classmate of mine. He was always quiet and by himself. Why the heck did he do this?
"WHY?" I yelled.
"Look, I don't wanna kill you Colt, so you might as well move."
He's insane.
"YOu killed my brother!" I screamed.
He chuckled, "Great, he was a conceited jock."
Ignoring his gun I pouched him then did a couple fly kicks.
"YOur gonna pay for this!!" I screamed then hit him like I never hit anyone before. Tears were still coming down by cheeks as I heard a bang. Then all was blurred...
Why do people do this? Why do people kill each other? Why did it happen here? Why did it happen to my brothers? I rode my bike home as usual. Hoping to get to the T.V. and finally relax. But only came home face to face with the terrible news. Rocky was dead and Colt was in the hospital, emergency room. Apparentely. a school shooting happened at their high school today... I can't belive this...
3 monthes after. Rocky's funeral taken place a month before, along with the other 3 victims that suffered in the school shooting. Colt was alive after they taken the bullet out. He was okay physically. But mentally he was badly shaken. Christian was BADLY beaten by Colt and is in the hosipital while also on trial. Since he was only 15, he was a juvenille.
I Keep seeing Rocky's face...on that day...saying he loved me. If he loved me so much why did he have to leave me? Why did he have to protect me? Why couldn't he just escape and...
That day was still a blur to me, it all happened so quickly, and now it seemed like I dream. I closed my eyes...then saw Rocky again, he was laughing and helping me up when I fell from my bike. He was hurt why I told him to stay out of my life...he was rubbing my head and telling me to believe in myself. He was...he was...he was gone...he left me...probaly because he cannot stand me...I'm terrible. I felt a gurgling bubble of hurt rushing up to my spine, then I felt my face wet, drowned by my tears. The first sob was followed by another...and another.