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Chapter 2

It was officially their second day in Alaska. Colt thought with dismay. Now Alaska was cool(very COOL) but he'd rather be back at Cali where it's warm and they are not freezing their butts off in the middle of NO WHERE!!! Colt pulled his wool hat till it covered his forehead completely, glanced up at the gray sky then wondered out loud to his brothers.

"Now what?"

The 3 Ninjas were waken by Granpa in the early morning. Who mumbled for them to get up to their 1st adventure. And the next thing you know, they were in the middle of nowhere as Granpa had abandoned them.

"Well, we're suppose to go back to the cabin, find our own way back ya know." Rocky said.

" are we suppose to do that when we don't know where the heck the little cabin is?!?" TumTum demanded.

Colt shivered, "You'd think Alaska would at least have 50 degrees summers."

"It's 34 degrees." Rocky said.

"How would you know?" TumTum asked.

"The weather man said so, I had my radio. It was all fuzzy but anyway, let's think guys, anyone remembered how we got here?" Rocky scanned the surroundings. They were on a hillish mountain...hill.

"I was half asleep. All I remembered was we walked through...alotta hills." Colt said.

"That helped." TumTum glanced at the hills surrounding them.

"I'm hungry."

"Tum, forget about food." Colt said.

"How can I forget about it when my stomach screams I NEED FOOD TUMTUM!'"

Rocky chuckled, "alright, the sooner we get outta here, the sooner we can get food."

Colt sighed, "This makes no sense. How can Granpa just throw us in the middle of nowhere and think we can get back to that little cabin!"

"Well, I dunno. But what I do know is, we can't be that far from the cabin." Rocky said, "he wouldn't actually really endanger us..."

Colt and TumTum gave Rocky a look.

"Ooookay...maybe he would."

"Rocky what's in that bag?" Colt pointed to the brown bag Rocky carried.

Rocky shrugged, "Granpa gave it to me. There's a couple candy bars in here."

Tum's eyes grew big. "Candy bar?!? Lemme see!!!" TumTum reached for the bag then opened it.

"TumTum."Rocky scolded. "We have to save those when we are REALLY hungry."

"But I am REALLY hungry!" Tum argued.

"Well then when we're REALLY REALLY hungry!" Rocky struck back.

"But I am REALLY REALLY..."Tum was cut by Colt.

"Hey guys, look at this." In his hands he held a piece of rugged piece of paper. "I think it's a map..."

" is..:" Rocky whispered.

"It's a map to the cabin!" Colt shouted. Pointing to the little stick brown house at the edge of the paper.

"And I guess that's us." TumTum laughed at the three stick figures at the other end of the house.

"Alright, so...I guess here's what we have to do. Um..."Rocky traced the map with his index finger. "Go through some woods...cross some plains...cross a river...cross more woods..."

"RIVER?" Colt exclaimed, "I don't remember crossing a river."

Tum shrugged, "You have a bad memory spaz brain."

"Shut up egghead." Colt responded.

Rocky and Tum gave Colt a bizarre look.

"What? I wanted to be original this time." Colt defended himself.

"Yeah...okay, whatever." Rocky said, "C'mon let's go! We're gonna freeze if we don't move!"

And the 3 Ninjas are off.

A polar bear runs free on a hill. It was happy as it had just had some birdeggs. Suddenly, a loud bang interrupted the sereneness of nature. And the white bear moaned in pain then fell...

Two men slapped a high five as they came close to the polar bear.

"Alright." A man in his forties said as he examined the fur of the bear.

Rocky breathed heavily as the 3 brothers walked in a endless mist of a wood.

"You know, I don't remember doing this when we came." TumTum huffed.

"We probably didn't. Granpa probably made us take the hard route or something. OTHERWISE, it wouldn't be an adventure."Colt said.

TumTum groaned. "We're never gonna get out of this...this...wood!"

"Yes...we...will."Rocky said. "And we're gonna cross that river, and that other wood and...plains and...lets rest."

Finding a couple rocks, Rocky and Tum let themselves have a seat.

"Aw c'mon guys. We're not even 1/3 out of our adventure and your tired? How are we gonna make it before the sun goes down at this pace?" Colt said. "And it's too cold to sit. Gotta keep the body moving."

"Can I have a candy bar?" Tum asked Rocky.

Too tired to argue, Rocky hands Tum a candy bar.

"Rocky you ok? You look fatigued."Colt stared at his brother with concern.

"Fatigued? Big word there. I'm O.K. Well, the truth is I barely slept coz I had a horrible headache last night." Rocky replied.

"Gotta be the fish gramps cooked." Colt suggested.

Rocky shrugged.

"Hey the fish was good." Tum mumbled.

Colt made a face. "Whatever man."

"Hey, you didn't eat any of the fish. How come your not hungry?" Rocky asked Colt.

" see...I brought some of those raman noodles stuff, and cookies, and canned food with me and..."

"AND you didn't tell us!?!?" TumTum yelled.

Rocky and Tum got up.

"Hey it's not my fault if you two weren't prepared. It's every man for himself out here!" Colt said. Rocky and Tum were walking closer to him, with their arms crossed on their chest.

Uh-oh, Colt thought.

And the three begin a chase through the forest.

"Aah-eah-eaahhh..!!" Colt did a Tarzan yell as he decelerated on the edge of the woods/forest. His yell diminished as he stared wide-eyed at the raging river. The river(unknown =) was about 15 feet wide with white water bubbles that crashed against some rocks, creating rapids.

Rocky huffed as he finally reached Colt. Putting an arm around Colt he said.

"Little brother, your pretty fast."

Usually, Colt would respond with a "No duh." or "of course." But now all he could do was hold a expression of awe upon his flushed face.

Rocky stared at the river blankly.

"This can't be good." He said emotionless.

"Guys!" Tum yelled. "How nice of you to just abandon your brother!"

Rocky collect Tum with an arm, rubbed his head.

"You're O.K."

"Whoa, that's a big one." TumTum exclaimed.

Colt groaned. "How the heck can we cross this river?"

"Well, one thing for sure, we can't swim." Rocky touched the water. "It's too cold."

"Aren't you smart now." Colt rolled his eyes. Then slowly, he curved his lips. "I got an idea."

"Be afraid." Rocky said, "be very afraid."

Colt gave his brother a dirty look. He quickly walked to the further end of the river. Well, not the end but...further out until he reached apart of the river where a tree had half broke and was rising with the water.

Colt flipped onto a rock.

"Colt what are you doing?!" Rocky yelled.

"Watch and learn my brothers!" Colt yelled back above the volume of the water. He then flipped on to the tree from the isolated rock. Wabbled a little but grabbed a branch for balance. Alright Douglas, he thought to himself. Then he cautiously walked toward the end of the tree, where it was almost connected with the river bank.

Rocky watched with worried eyes.

"Be careful, Colt!" He yelled.

TumTum crossed his arms. "He'll be O.K. he's Colt, he's always O.K."

Then suddenly, a loud crack' was heard.

"Uh-oh." Rocky and Tum said to each other.

A branch of the tree broke free from the its stem...along with Colt.

"Aw...shoot." Rocky groaned.

Chapter 3