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The Ultimatum

"Look Tum, you can either come with me and your dad on vacation or you can go with Rocky to the cabin" said Mrs. Douglas in a matter-of-fact way.

"Do you know what Colt is planing on doing " asked 15 year old Tum Tum in responds to his mother's last statement.

"No honey I don't" Said Mrs. Douglas sympathetically as she crossed the living room to give Tum Tum a half hug with one arm because her other arm was occupied with a day planer and calendar. "I know this is a hard time for you, but the fact is it's a hard time for all of us. Rocky just wanted to help make it easier by having you out at the cabin with him. And Colt is just a loner at heart, he needs some time to grieve in his own way." Mrs. Douglas was trying hard not to cry by this time.

"But that doesn't give him the right to not call or write. He should at lest come to the memorial services to night." said Tum bitterly.

It had been a month since any one in the family had heard from Colt. And that made talking about him with out getting made nearly impossible for every one. Colt was 20 and had not gone to college, instead he had be come a pro basket ball player on the LA lakers team. And was often doing publicity stunts on TV, but after he found out about grandpa's death it was like he had fallen from the face of the earth.

"Hey Jessica I'm home." called Samuel Douglas senior, the father of the three not so young ninjas. He was an F.B.I. agent and constantly on a case, he had been at a trial testifying agents some crock he had arrested.

"Hi, how did it go?" Greeted Mrs. Douglas.

"Not as good as we had hoped." he said not so pleased. As the two talked Tum Tum left the room. When he got to his room he lade on his bed pulled a bag of mixed candy from under his pillow and stared to unwrap a piece of butterscotch, when a noise came from his lamp on the night stand. He jumped off the bed and grabbed the office lamp and were the light bulb was suppose to be there was a can that served as a phone that was connected to his best friend (Yoshi Shentaro's) bed room next door. Tum Tum had stolen the idea from his brother Rocky. Tum Tum quickly popped the candy in his mouth and said "Hey Yoshi, what's up?"

"Nothing much." came the neighbor boy's answer "I just wanted to know how you where doing, are you all right?" Said Yoshi concern in his voice.

"I'm surviving" said Tum Tum around the peppermint he had shoved in his mouth while lessening to Yoshi.

"My mom said I could come with you to the memorial serves, if you want me to." Yoshi and his family was Land marker Baptist and didn't agree with the teachings of martial arts and they wouldn't agree with the ceremony that would take place at the marmoreal service,so the idea that he would come with Tum Tum was a big sign of friendship and Tum Tum knew it. For a while both were silent.

"Tum, are you okay?"

"yeah, I just had an idea. will you come to the cabin for summer vacation?"

"I'll ask my mom!" Said Yoshi excitedly. Tum Tum decide that if his friend went to the cabin then so would he.

A Tribute to Grandpa Mori Tanaka