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A Tribute to Grandpa Mori Tanaka

"Rocky. Hi, how have you been." Asked Amanda Morgun-Green when Rocky walked in to the hotel lobby where Mrs. Douglas had planed to hold the memorial at. Amanda was 19. She and her family had moved in across the street from the Douglas 6 years ago, they've been friends ever since. Amanda even took ninja lessons form Grandpa Mori.

"Hello Amanda. I'm alright. How have you been doing?"

"Good. Your mom says your going in to business, but she didn't say any thing specific."

"I'm going to be a privet investigator." responded Rocky as he handed Amanda a business card that was in his cote pocket.

"Hey these are great lazer printed. They look really official. Is it working out all right? "

" Yes, but it's hard to fined challenging cases" Rocky said, he was 21 and had only gone to college for 3 years. As he looked toured the door he saw Colt walk in. He was dressed in jeans a black shirt and a tie. Amanda noticed Rocky was staring at the door, so she looked to see who had walked in that would have such an effect on him.

"Colt!" Exclaimed Amanda when she spotted him. she waved him to come over where she and Rocky stood.

"Hey Mandy." said Colt

"Hi Colt." Rocky quietly said.

"We didn't know you were coming." Added Amanda.

"I...uh..well I've been busy."Answered Colt.

"Doing what?" Chimed in Tum Tum grudgingly as he walked closer to where his brothers and Amanda where.

"Doing some commercials and playing basket ball games." Colt responded defensively. Tum Tum was about to say some thing else when his dad called every ones attention so they could get stared.

They started by having some of Mori Tanaka's friends and family say a few words among those who spoke where Jessica Douglas, Rocky, Tum Tum, Koga( he had trained as a boy with Mori in Japan), Miyo ( She trained at the same Dojo that Mori had and was friends with the boys.) and finally Colt. Then they did some traditional ceremony things.

When it was all done Rocky drove his brothers, and Yoshi home. It was a long ride.

Finally Colt broke the silence. "Well I see you learned not to hit trees and garbage cans."

Rocky gave Colt a dirty look. "I'll have you know I'm a very responsible driver." Rocky said half teasing.

"Tum Tum have you decided to come to the cabin?" Asked Rocky "Your invited to come too. You know we all inherit the place " Rocky said to Colt.

"Sure I'll come. If I'm not imposing." Colt said thinking of the way Tum Tum had act toward him earlier that evening. Rocky waited for Tum Tum's response, he too had noticed the cold shoulder Tum Tum had been giving Colt.

"I'll come if Yoshi's invited." Tum Tum Said.

"Well Yosh, you want to come?" Rocky asked rather exasperated.

"Sure! I won't be doing any ninja stuff, if that's alright."

"No problem." Said Rocky he had no idea what else Yoshi could do, but he was too much in a hurry to have his brothers and him self reunited to care.

"Well Colt?" he asked, again.

"I'm in. The 3 ninjas to gather again!" said Colt enthusiastically. The night had been a success.

On the Way to Grandpa's Cabin