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On the Way to Grandpa's Cabin

The boys planned that they would leave to go to Grandpa's cabin on the 20th of June, how aver they didn't get to go because Colt had an autograph signing that couldn't be rescheduled. So they left on the 22 instead. Tum Tum was up bright and early(6:30 to be precise.) He packed all the important last mint thing like cans of pop,pixy sticks and licorice. And then called his girl friend Carla to tell her bye and that he wished she could come. Carla was on the school track team and was taking chines Kung fu. At about 8 O'clock Colt Showed up and had breakfast with Mom, Dad, and Tum Tum. Rocky had moved a few cities over when he left for college so he wouldn't get there until 9:30 at least. Yoshi came over at 9:00 so that he and Tum Tum could guff off to gather before they leafed. Yoshi's little sister Amy came over too. She had a huge crush on Tum Tum and hung a round him as much as possible. Yoshi was disgusted by this but Tum Tum was too flattered to do anything about it.

As the Douglas family waited for Rocky to come, Colt and Mr. Douglas sat in the office having an unpleasant talk.

"You could go to college after this season." Argued Mr. Douglas

"No dad. I like playing ball, so there's no reason for me to go to college" said Colt, very angry. Right before Mr. Douglas could say any thing further Rocky pulled in the driveway in his '98 Toyota Camry. Colt stormed out of the office ending the conversation.

"Hi." Called out Rocky as he went in to the house.

"Hi, Rocky." Said Yoshi. Tum Tum only waved because he had lafed over pancakes cramed in to his mouth.

"Rocky!" Greeted Mrs. Douglas as she ran from the Dining room table to the door way. She gave him a hug.

"Mom you just saw me last week." Rocky said at his mom's reaction.

"I know, but that's not near as much as I like to see you, and besides I won't see you for two months while your at your Grandpa's cabin." said Mrs. Douglas defending her actions.

Colt walked in to the room."If we're going to leave we better go now." Colt said impatiently. Yoshi and Tum Tum got up from there seats.

"Lets go!" said Tum Tum. He couldn't wait to at cabin and start training, after all ninja was his favorite thing, besides eating.

"You'll go after Rocky tells me about his new job." said Mrs. Douglas

"Come on" Said Colt to Tum Tum and Yoshi " you two can help get things in to the car." As they went out to the car Colt stared to tease Tum Tum.

"You think you can survive with out Amy?" he asked. Amy was a few steps away and didn't hear them.

"You're just jealous because, you only have one girl." Tum Tum Answered.

"I wouldn't be jealous of some thing like that." gamboled Yoshi. Amy did hear this and gave her brother a dirty look, then turned to Tum Tum and gave hem a real sweet look.

"Disgusting!" Yoshi said. Colt only shook his head and laughed.

After they had finished loading the car with luggage they pried Rocky away from there mom and then they where off. It was a three hour drive from there dad and mom's place to Grandpa's cabin. They stopped at a gas station. Tum Tum and Yoshi went in to pay and get some gum,chips,hot dogs and etc.

"Here this too." said Tum Tum as he added some beef jerky to the things they were buying.

"Hey kid do you think you have enough stuff" said the clerk sarcastically.

"I would get a sucker too but, I don't have that much money." Tum Tum retorted mischievously with a smile. They paid and went back to the car.

"What took you guys so long?" asked Rocky as they got in to the car.

"Tum thought he had to have a little of every thing." Yoshi teased his friend.

"Hey! Half of this stuff is yours" Tum Tum said indigently. They all piled in to the car and dove a way. Silence filled the car for a long while.

Desperate to break the silence Rocky said the first thing on his mind. "Grandpa had a real nice memorial serves."

"Yeah, it was nice." Tum Tum Said barely a above a whisper as he popped some chocolate covered raisins from the gas station in his mouth.

"It was interesting. I still don't get some of the things that happened." Said Yoshi.

"O, And what would happen at a christen memorial?" Asked Rocky Trying to be polite.

"Well, when a christen dies there's no reason to mourn because he's in heaven, so to his friends and family that are christens to, who know Jesus as there savor, it's a time to rejoice in the Lord." Yoshi said this slowly choosing his words care fully. Colt rolled his eyes he didn't believe one word and really didn't care to hear it. Yoshi continued. "So, one difference is we wouldn't be mourning. Another thing is there would be a preacher there that would preach a short message on salvation through Jesus Christ."

Good grief, thought Colt. What would Yoshi know about death? It's easy to talk like that when you never lost any one spacial to you. Colt had to stop that line of thought because Yoshi had lost some one. A few years ago Yoshi's youngest sister Jasmine had died at age 7. She was diagnose with cancer and given only three weeks to live because the cancer was so widely spread. Jasmine lived for three more months and every one thought she would beat the cancer. But no one would know for certain now because she was hit by a drunk driver and died instantly. Colt thought it was a grate tragedy. He had known Jasmine and was routing for her in her battle for life when, so senselessly she died.

Colt though out loud, "What about Jasmine?"

"uhimm" Yoshi cleared his throat. "The holy Ghost led Jasmine to Christ a few weeks before she died, so she's in Heaven. I can't give you her testimony, but I can tell you mine."

Colt fault sorry for Yoshi and trying to make him feel better said, "Go ahead, what's your testimony?"

"what is a testimony any way?" Interrupted Tum Tum before Yoshi could say any thing.

Rocky answer the question. "When some one gives there testimony it's, like when some one testifies to some thing."

"Oh." Tum Tum sighed.

"Well," Begun Yoshi as if Tum Tum hadn't said a thing. "When I was 13 I did some thing really bad, I can't remember what it was now, but any way, My dad was really mad about it and sent me to my room to think about it while he blow off his steam. when I was in my room I got bored of just siting there thinking so, I read a little bit of the Bible that was in my room because it was the only thing to do. When I was reading I came across some verses of scepter that shook me up, it was like a vela was being raised, I had all was known that I was a sinner bout now I believed I was and I believed I was going to die for it. I really didn't want to die so, I did what I had read I should do. I asked God to forgive me and thanked him for sending his son to die in my place. Some of the verses I read where John 3:2-18. " Yoshi was a bit choked up and cleared his throat again. How ever this didn't affect the 3 ninjas.

Colt decided to change the subject. "You said there where some things at the memorial that you didn't understand, so what where they? "

"Oh. Well one thing that sticks out in my mined is the way that Tum Tum reacted to that guy Koga. What was the matter with him being there?" Colt and the other 2 boys laughed a little at that question and then took terns tiling how they and Miyo had saved a ceremonial dagger that belong to their grandpa and how Koga had tried to steal it because of a legend saying the dagger was a key to a cave of gold. By the time they were done they were at the cabin.
