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Memories Can Hurt

As the four boys arrived at the cabin emotions stirred in them. They all had there own flash backs of past times spent where they were driving through, time spent with their Grandpa, there mentor, there friend and ninja coach. Rocky thought of the first time he hit grandpa with a bo and the pride he had felt but, now all he felt was a deep longing to be knocked down with Grandpa's bo's mighty blows. Colt flashed backed to how hard headed he had been in the past and to the times he had gotten himself and his brothers into trouble because of it. But through all the disappointments Grandpa had so diligently and calmly helped Colt out of the raging storm Colt had created. Tum Tum's mind reeled with memories of Grandpa. Tum Tum always had to fight harder to get his older brothers respect. All he wanted now was for Grandpa Mori to help him up like he had when Tum Tum was a little boy. Yoshi looked at his friend's face frowning in pain. Rocky was blankly looking out the windshield. Colt on the other hand was lively looking out all the car windows at the familiar 10 feet drive way. Finally they drove over the red bridge that Grandpa had made himself when he had first bought the place. Rocky parked the car and killed the engine. As the car grew silent the surrounding woods came alive with wind rustling the leaves in the trees and birds chirping. The car and the boys in it where so quiet that it almost seemed like the forest was screaming. To Colt it was the sound of Grandpa's agonizing yells for help. Colt had been the one to hear Grandpa's last cries for help , Colt was also the one to find Grandpa crushed under a tree, he had been to late too do any thing of use and it certainly was too late to do any thing good now. Blood was coming out Grandpa's nose a blue bruise was visible on his nearly bald head. The very vivid memory was maddening. As Colt tryed to get the image out of his head and reminded him self that it was the birds screeching not Grandpa's screaming that he was hearing, Colt also remimbered that no one even knew what Grandpa had been doing in the woods that day. Colt quickly resolved to find out what had happened that horrible morning.

A Strange Encounter