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A Strange Encounter

One day after a sparing match with Rocky, Colt had gone to town to take Jo(his girlfriend that he met 9 years ago) to the movies. Tum Tum and Yoshi had ridden there bikes to the pizza parlor (which was also an arcade) in town. That left Rocky alone to do some much needed paper work. While Rocky filled out an insurance form of some type the phone rang."Hello." Rocky answered it on the second ring. "Hello, is this Samuel Douglas?" said a female voice on the other line.

"Yes, whose this?

"Emily Bruce. Do you remember me? "

"Uh....Yes....Why are calling?"

"I know this must seem weird.....since.. we haven't talked in a long time...It's just I found your advertisement in the paper. about being a P.I." A silenced past before Rocky answered. Emily had been his first girlfriend, they hadn't talked in at lest 7 or 8 years.


"So I need a private investigator."

"Uh..I see..What exactly is the problem?"

"Um...Are you going to take the case?"

"Not until I know the facts."

"Okay...Well a business file was stolen."

"From you?"

"Yes...No..It was in my position but it wasn't mine."

"I see. Whose was it?"

"My boss."

"Did he Know you had it?"

"YES! Of course he did."

"Who gave them to you? Why did he give them to you? What type of files was it?" the questions rolled off of Rocky's tongue. Was this the big case that he was looking for?

"My boss gave them to me. They were files on the business environmental statis."Rocky noted that she didn't answer why she had them he also noted the sound of cars on the other end of the phone line. "Where are you?"

"On the free way, I 10 to be precise. I'm on my car phone. Why? "

"How about meeting me some were so we can talk?"

"Well..okay. Were?"

"At Carl's Jr.., there's one at the exit to Cabazon right before you reach Banning. How long until you can be there?"

"... It'll take at least half an hour."

"All right, I'll meet you there." They said good bye. And Rocky quickly jotted down a note for his brothers in case they got back before he did. Then he hopped in to his car, and drove for the assigned meeting plays.

All About the Missing Files