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All About the Missing Files

When Rocky reached Carl's Jr. he went in and ordered some onion rings and a pop. After getting his food he found a seat by the door, so that he could spot Emily when she came in. Rocky checked the time on the clock on the wall across from him. He had at least five more minutes before Emily was officially late. Over and over some one would come in and Rocky would feel dumber and dumber for not asking Emily what she looked like or at least what she was wearing, so that he could tell who she was when she walked in. Finally a young woman walked in by herself, she was wearing a pale pink suit with a white blouse. she had long light brown hair and blue eyes.

"Emily?" Rocky asked.

"Uh..Hi Rocky." She answered. Rocky gave a sigh of relief.

"How about you get some thing to eat and then we can talk." Rocky suggested. Emily got a small cola, then sat at the table Rocky was at.

"What do you need to know?" She said simply.

"First why did you have the files." Rocky said evenly. Emily turned a bit red

"This is so dumb, I was suppose to keep the files safe." She said sincerely embarrassed.

"I see. Who were you worried about getting it?"


"Hu..What do you mean?"

"Some people have been protesting agents the business I work for, something galactic, they say that there violating some safety and environmental laws."

"What does the file have to do with that?"

"The file contains all our records of where we dump the waste and some other things. we, the business, have been getting threatening letters as well, so uncle Earl, my boss gave me the files to keep an eye on." Rocky took this all in. So Emily's boss is her uncle, interesting.

"Have you read the files? What is your job exactly? Is your Uncle the owner of the company?"

"No I was told not to, read the files that is. I'm Uncle Earl's secretary. Uncle Earl's is in charge of P.R."(Public Relations)

Rocky thought about what Emily was saying and glanced at his watch. It was 4:24. Rocky realized he should get back to the cabin.

"Emily Can you stay in town so that I can talk to you some more?"

"Sure, Does this mean you're taking the case. I don't have a place to stay." She said in a business tone.

"Yes I'll take the case. There's a hotel a few miles from gr.. I mean from my cabin." Rocky had nearly said "Grandpa's cabin". It hurt to change and call it his own, another sign Grandpa was gone. "I'll drive you to the cabin we'll talk some more have dinner and then we'll check you into the hotel." Said Rocky.

Emily cocked an eye brow "Why don't I just go to the hotel and meet you tomorrow?"

Rocky shook his head. "There's too many things to discuss. My brothers and I are training, so I don't know how much I'll be able to see you." Emily agreed after all she really needed though's files back. She left her car at Carl's Jr, and rode with Rocky. As Rocky drove to the cabin he bombarded Emily with questions, was the company really guilty of what it had been accused of? Was there any one in particular so desperate they would steal the files? How had the files been stolen? Why was a secretary trusted to keep such in portent documents? Did Galactics have some thing else to hide? Slowly Emily answered the questions. Most of her answers was "I don't know." How ever Emily did answer that the reason she was entrusted with the files was "Because no one would suspect me, or at least Uncle Earl had thought no one would." it bothered Rocky that his client was in the dark about ever thing, that or playing dumb really well. He pulled in to the drive and got out of the car, he looked to see if any one else was there. Nope no one. In the cabin he went in to Grandpas old room which was now his office.

"Have a seat." Rocky said and jabbed a finger at to the chairs by the nearly barren desk. He went behied the desk and opened a drawer pulled out some paper and as quickly as he could wrote every thing that Emily had said. It didn't even take half sheet of paper. Emily sitting in a chair across from him looked bored.

"Is there any thing else you need to know?" she asked with a sigh. "I know zip as it is. Is there any thing else you can tell me?"

Rocky replied in obvious agitation. Emily thought a while then said, "The files was taken some time around 5:45 and 6:20. does that help?"

"How do you know the time?" Rocky asked gruffly, mad at himself more then at Emily. How could he have forgotten to ask some thing so important?

"I had the file with me from the time it was given to me till the time I left to run an errand. It had to been taken while I was gone." Emily Responded in earnest. Before any thing further could be said Tum Tum and Yoshi came in to the cabin making a lot of unnecessary noise.

"Rocky, Amanda is here." Said Tum Tum as he poked his head in to the office. When he caught site of Emily he pointed his thumb at Emily and asked "Who's this?"
