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"Hi." Amanda said and waved as she stepped toward the door way. She stopped in wonder at the unknown woman in the office with Rocky. Amanda never met her before and Tum Tum didn't seem to know her either.

"This is my new client." Rocky quickly said.

"Emily Bruce, this is Tum Tum my brother and that's Amanda Morgun-Green a good friend of mine." As Tum Tum realized that Emily was one of Rocky's x-girlfriends his eyes got big.

"I hope Lisa doesn't find out your working for an x-girlfriend." Tum Tum blurted out. Lisa Deanmerino was Rocky's current girlfriend, and was very possesive.

"Hey, Tum." Emily said dryly, she had never gotten along with Rocky's brothers. In her opinion they where dumb ox full of mean comments!

"There's nothing wrong with Miss Bruce being my client." Rocky said defensively. Yoshi still in the living room shouted, "Colt's back and Jo's with him."

"Whose Jo?" Asked Emily.

"Colts girlfriend..." Tum Tum tried to think of some thing else to say but failed.

"Hey you guys what's going on in here?" Asked Colt as he and Jo past the living room and stopped near Amanda. immediately Colt recognized The woman as Rocky's stuck up, pink wearing old girlfriend.

"What's she doing here? Does Lisa know?"

Rocky rolled his eyes and explained it again. "She's my client. And no Lisa doesn't know."

"Who's Lisa?" Asked Emily. It was curious enough when Tum Tum mention the girl named "Lisa" but Colt asking about her made it even more interesting.

"Lisa is my girlfriend." Rocky said flatly. Things are getting out of hand. Thought Rocky. Then as they where all moving in to the living room some thing even worse happened. Through the big bay windows they all saw a '79 Datsun 28zx pull into the drive. 2 young women got out. One of the women was blond wearing a tye-dyed shirt and way too tight pants. The other was Japanese wearing wire rimed glasses, white blouse, black and white vest, and black skirt. the Douglas boys and Amanda had no trouble recognizing the 2 Women. They where Jennifer Cupland and Miyo Yamamoto. But they couldn't guess why on earth they would be together. Jennifer was yet another x-girlfriend of Rocky's, and Miyo the girl at the memorial serves was really good friends with Rocky. How ever Rocky had desperately wanted to be more then friends but, she lived in Japan making it in impossible.

It felt like slowly but sheerly all the girls that Rocky ever met were coming to Grandpa's cabin just to ruin Rocky's life. The phone rang After the third ring Yoshi figured that no one else had heard with all the excitement and stress in the room so, he answered it.

"Hello." Yoshi said in to the receiver.

"Hi, Tum?" A sweet voice answered back.

"I'm not Tum, I'm his friend Yoshi. can I help you?"

"Sorry you sounded a little like Tum. Could you get Rocky on the phone for me, please."

"Oh, sure. Just a minute." Yoshi sat the phone receiver on the counter. And turned to face the growing crowd in the living room. Emily and Jo was talking and Colt,Tum Tum and Amanda was about to die of laughter because of Rocky's bad situation.

"Hey Rocky some ones called for you." Yoshi almost had to yell to get Rocky's attention. Saved by the bell, thought Rocky. He let Colt and Tum to make the other introductions and picked up the phone. Colt opened the door and greeted the girls with a smug grin on his face glad he wasn't in Rocky's predicament.

"Hi, guys! How have you been?" Miyo said as she approached the open door.

"Hi Miyo Nice to see you again. Unlike some people." Tum Tum said casting a glance at Jennifer. Tum preferred even Emily over obnoxious, controlling, miss popular Jennifer.

"LISA!" Rocky shouted with great exasperation. Colt, Tum Tum and Yoshi left and Amanda tried to hide a smile. When Rocky realized how loued his voice was he gave every one a sheepish look.

"I was just thinking about you." Rocky said in a more normal tone.

"Then why did you scream like that?" Lisa asked accusingly. As Rocky tuck the Phone to the other side of the room for more privacy Colt handed over the job of entertaining the guests to Tum Tum and snuck out the back door with Jo.

Setting the Record Straight