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Setting the Record Straight

Emily and Amanda was introduce to Jennifer and Miyo by Tum Tum while Yoshi just stood in the back ground and watched the seen unroll. Tum Tum tried to make conversation and mischief.

"You know Emily, Rocky once dated Jennifer." Jennifer smiled as though she were bragging.

"Rocky and I have been dating for 7 years now." Jennifer gloated. Miyo rolled her eyes. She knew about Rocky dumping Jennifer and that he was know dating Lisa and fond it repulsive the way that Jennifer flaunted and made it sound like they where still dating. And in truth Jennifer had only been Rocky's girlfriend 1 and a half years out of the 7. Emily recalled the short and brief discussion about Lisa and as hard as she tried couldn't resist asking...

"What does Lisa think about that?" Instantly Jennifer was dumb founded what could she say to that? Tum Tum smiled he never dreamed that Emily had a mean streak. But even with this little bit of new found admiration he was still going to blab. After all these girls have a rite to know just who exactly they where talking to, didn't they?

"Umm if I remember right you dated Rocky too, didn't you Emily?" Tum Tum said as innocently as he could. Jennifer thought this to indicate that Emily was a another obstacle to getting Rocky back. It was bad enough when Lisa stole her man but know she had to fight this pink freak! The injustice of the world was almost to over whelming for Jennifer.

"So why are you here any way?" Jennifer asked checking to see if there where some way to get Emily a way from her Rocky.

"I'm his new client." Emily said flatly and with out emotion, no anger, no jealousy and certainly not any happiness.

"So does it bother you to be a client for a guy that dumped you?" Jennifer asked her voice was part teasing and half sympathetic.

"Let me sat the record start," Emily said trying to hold in her anger "I broke up with Rocky and have no in attention of getting back to gather with him." she continued saying very frankly. "And further more I'm engaged to a sweet man that doesn't show of all the time." Knowing that this conversation was going to come around to her Miyo said the first thing she thought of to say.

"I never even dated him, and glad of it." Miyo said bitterly. The truth was she was jealous. Jennifer looked at Miyo as if she was crazy. How in the world could these two be glad that there not dating Rocky, the cutest, the sweetest guy there could ever be, not to mention he was smart, and besides being a show off is part of his charm. Tum Tum looked at the angry faces and had a change of heart,(These girls look mad,jealous and embarrassed enough to kill me for starting this conversation!) Tum Tum thought, so he quickly changed the subject.

"So what are you doing here any way Miyo?"

"I was on my way home but I thought that I'd go to your mom and dads place to see if I could do any thing for them. And as it turned out there was one thing, they needed some one to check and make sure that you guys where doing all right." Miyo replied. by this time her and the other young women had lost a bit of there anger.

"And Laura said hi" Miyo added. Laura was the ninjas little sister she was 5 years old now and this would have been here first year at the cabin training to be a ninja, how ever Grandpa died and Laura had gone over to friends house's to sleep over instead of facing the truth that Grandpa died. She even refused to go to the memorial serves. (She is more hard headed then Colt.) Tum Tum was thinking when Rocky got off the phone and joined every one in the living room.

"Hi Miyo, Jennifer. What are you 2 doing here?" Rocky asked. But what he really wanted to ask though was what they were doing here to gather.

"Will you see I was going to go to the memorial serves for your Grandpa but I wasn't invited so in stead of shoeing up unionist I Came over to your parents place to fined out that you had already lafed for here and Miyo was there needing a ride here as well because her car broke down, but she had already said that she would check on the 3 of you boys." Jennifer gave the story in less then 4 breathes.

"So how are you 2 doing and where is Colt?" Miyo said. She looked around the room and glanced into the family room trying to find Colt, she knew that he had been at the door when they had arrived but she couldn't fined him now.

"He's probably in the back yard with Jo. Those two are almost insuperable." Rocky said and roiled his eyes. Amanda and Yoshi had been in the kitchen staying out of every ones way making some snacks, but now that every one was seated on the couch or by the table they came out with sandwiches on a plaiter.

"Hungrier any one?" asked Amanda as she sat the plaiter of sandwiches on the table. Yoshi just looked at Tum Tum and said "Do you really have to ask?" Tum Tum gave a fake laugh and grabbed a sandwich.

So, What Now?