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Part 1

Tum Tum was just getting used to having a room to himself. After all, he has been "living" with his two older brothers for fifteen years. But both Rocky and Colt moved out about a month ago while Tum Tum was on a trip to DC with thier father. He can still remember it.

"Dad, where's Rocky and Colt?" asked TumTum when he and his father got home after a trip to dc.

"They moved. We thought it would be better if you were not home when they did move. Talk about good problem solving, ah?" said his father.

"Yeah, just perfect," tum tum said quietly.

Tum Tum hadnt talked to his big bro's since.

Just then the phone rang. It rang twice before TumTum remembered his father was on another FBI trip. He was coming home today. He jumped out of bed just before the answer machine went off.

"hello?" TumTum asked.

"Hey, Tum! Is pop's around?" asked Colt on the other end. It sounded as if him and Rocky were having a party. It sounded like more girls then boys and a lot of music.

"No, he's in Flordia with the FBI," tum tum said.

"Oh, and he left you at home by yourself?"Colt asked. In the background, tumtum head rocky saying, "Hey, Colt, just get to the point. You know tumtum doesn't wanna talk to you!"

That just made tumtum fierious. He wished he could go there and punch him and hurt him more than they thought he could.

"Well, tell dad to call us back, ok?" Colt said.

TumTum didn't answer, he just hung up the phone.

The next morning, the phone rang, except dad got it. After a talk of about thirty minutes, he hung up the phone.

"TumTum, come here," said dad.

So, he got up and went to his dads room.

Then, as tumtum sat down, his faather began,''TumTum, you are know old enough to make your own decisions. Tomorrow, I am being transfered to Alaska. You certainly will not be living alone. The phone call a little earlier was Colt. I already talked to them. About a month ago. It took them a month to decide but it can only take you three hours. They are excepting you to move in to thier apartment. Either that, you will be going with me and only being able to see your brothers twice a year. We will discuse this over lunch. We will be going over to your brothers. They invited us over for a cook out, but I am not eating there. I can't trust thier cooking. Meet me at the FBI station at 11:30."

With that ending note, his dad went back to work.

Tum Tum thought a long time. Surely he wanted to be with his dad, but he wanted to see his brothers more than twice a month.

He looked at his watch. It was 11:05. It takes about twenty minutes to ride his bike there. So, he left.


Him and his dad drove up to Colt and Rocky's apartment.

At lunch, they sat in the living room.

Dad broke the silence and asked,"So, what's your choice- me , or them?"

The Choice