"TumTum, where are you? You need to go to school, and besides, guess who's waiting for you!" Colt yelled from downstairs.
Last year, TumTum met a really pretty girl with blond hair and perfect babyblue eyes. Ever since then, his bro's teased him about it. They said it did him right, he always teased then even though he did get help from the other brother.
So, TumTum hurried up and ran out the door. After getting down the street and around the corner with Ami, his girlfriend, Colt and Rocky pulled up besides them and said, "Um, guys, we kinda forgot to tell you that school was delayed. School doesn't start until next week. But smart alex Colt wanted you out of the house. So, hop on in, we are going up to the mountains and skiing!"
"You're kidding, right? The last time we went skiing was when I could hardly even ski the bunny slopes. And besides, it is a six hour drive. By the time we get up their, we will have to turn around," Tum said.
Then Colt said, "That's why we are taking a vacation for five days. And, Ami's parents said it was all right."
"But what about clothes, we need clothes!" TumTum said. The eldest brothers knew he was trying to inch out of it. The last time he was in a car with Rocky driving was when they rolled off the side and, well, according to Colt and Rocky, you should have seen his face. He prayed and prayed. It was the funniest thing in their lives. TumTum still didn't trust those two.
Then Rocky said, "But, but, is that all you say! You ain't getting out of this one, Tum!"
So, Ami and TumTum got in the car.