Welcome to 3 Ninjas Fanfiction Central!
This list is dedicated to the posting of creative works based on any version of the 3 Ninjas movie series (3 Ninjas/3 Ninjas Knuckle Up, 3 Ninjas Kick Back, or 3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain). This board is also for the discussion of those
creative works and anything directly related to those works. To make sure that this list is as efficient and enjoyable as possible, please follow these
rules. All rules apply to stories posted to the 3 Ninjas Fanfiction Central Message Board or directly to the archives.
- For the discussion of the actors, how cute they are, and anything else non-creative, please post it in the Ultimate 3 Ninjas Message Board at: http://disc.server.com/Indices/24433.html.
- The posting of erotica (X-Rated material) to the message board is not permitted. Stories rated NC-17 can be posted directly to the archives by mailing them to me at belladonna113@hotmail.com with a request.
- All stories must have the rating clearly marked in the subject line. Ratings should conform to the guidlines of most Hollywood movies (i.e. G- general audiences, PG- Parental guidence suggested, PG-13- Children under 13 not permitted without parent, NC-17- People under 17 not admitted without parent (this rating is usually used for movies with heavy sexual content), R- Restricted Viewing (usually used due to excessive violence and/or swearing).
- Do not use angled brackets <> in stories, as stories are put into html format for other purposes.
- If you read a story, take a few minutes to write the author and tell them what you think. The 3NFCMS is quite small compared to other message boards, and every piece of mail counts here.
- No off-topic posts.
- No spamming.
- No flaming. This is a flame-free site, and swearing (at other writers), insults, etc. will not be tolerated.
Message coding: The following is a list of codes used to make reading messages easier to understand.
- [S] -indicates a Fanfiction story. A rating should proceed this sign (for example: a PG-13 rated story called 'Last Wish' would be posted as such: [S][PG-13] Last Wish).
- [Long] Placed directly after the rating to indicate an especially long story (example: The preceeding theoretical story, 'Last Wish' would be posted as such: [S][PG-13][Long] Last Wish).
- The above link will take you back to the main site.