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Profile of Bella Donna

Name: Bella Donna

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu

Birth Date: October 23, 1969

Current Age: 29

Nationality: Russian

Family: Disciples of Darkness (cult family)

Friends: The Disciples of Darkness

Blood Type: AB

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 143 lbs.

Hobbies: Creating new poisons

Likes: Poisonous animals and plants

Hates: People who try to survive her poisons

Story: Bella Donna is a special assassin for the Disciples of Darkness. She is a poison expert and previously worked with Taima on several assassination missions. When the Disciples of Darkness heard of Taima's befriending Daniel and Frostbite, they sent Bella Donna, Miyo, and Donovan to find and murder them all. Bella Donna is not physically very strong, but her poisons can reduce her opponent to the strength of... a baby!

