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Profile of Chase

Name: Chase Jameson

Fighting Style: Kung-Fu

Birth Date: July 22, 1980

Current Age: 18

Nationality: American

Family: Daniel- stepbrother

Friends: Frostbite, Daniel

Blood Type: B

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 167 lbs.

Hobbies: Training Daniel, painting, listening to Busta Rhymes

Likes: Daniel, Frostbite's personality, rap music, Kung-Fu

Hates: Demons, cowardice, country music

Story: When Chase was nine years old, something unexpected happened at his home in Los Angeles. He was awakened by maniacal yelling and the sounds of fighting outside around midnight. A small boy was launched into his family's front door by a huge fireball. Chase heard an inhuman voice coming from outsite, talking about a demonic revolution in 1999. A flash of light filled his neighborhood, and the sound of a small child crying could be heard through the rain falling on the street corner. When Chase opened the door to find a little boy, no more than six years old, unconscious and bleeding outside his door. Chase called his mother, and the two carried the boy inside to treat his wounds. When the boy came to, he told Chase that his name was Daniel.When he learned Daniel had no family, Chase's mother offered to let him stay at his house for a while. After a few days, Chase's mother decided to adopt Daniel permenantly into their family. Daniel was more than happy to accept, as he and Chase had grown very close. Over the next few years, Chase began to teach Daniel Kung-Fu, which he had learned from his best friend's father. Eventually, Daniel became as skilled at Kung-Fu as Chase. Chase spent the next few years training with Daniel, honing his skills for the "demonic revolution" he heard about when he first met Daniel. One day, Daniel brought home a new friend, Frostbite. Daniel began training Frostbite after school, something that made Chase very happy to see (Daniel always had trouble making friends). Soon after, the city of Los Angeles was overrun by demons. Chase, Daniel, and Frostbite agreed to enter the upcoming 1999 Doomsday tournament together so they could defeat the champions of the Disciples of Darkness, a cult bent on turning the world into an extension of Hell itself.

