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Profile of Damion II

Name: Damion II (formerly Stanton Odell)

Fighting Style: Possessed form of Ninjitsu

Birth Date: July 19, 1987

Current Age: 11

Nationality: British

Family: Donovan- brother, Disciples of Darkness (Cult Family)

Friends: Donovan (sometimes), Disciples of Darkness

Blood Type: A

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 91 lbs.

Hobbies: Burning things with Pyrokinesis, worshipping the Dark One

Likes: His new power of pyrokinesis, Marilyn Manson, the idea of bringing the Dark One to Earth

Hates: Everything good and innocent, Donovan's weaknesses

Story: Damion II is one of a pair of twins who were kidnapped from London, England. The Disciples of Darkness believe that the twin boys were the fulfillment of an ancient legend. The legend stated that the twin boys born on a specific date (July 19, 1987) must be possessed by the souls of a Disciple of Darkness and a general of the Minions of Darkness. After which they must prove their worth in battle by killing the world's bravest heroes. Then they must be sacrificed simultaneously on the night of the Red Moon. Only then can the Dark One take on his physical form on Earth. The boy Stanton and his twin brother, Neil were kidnapped after the second Doomsday tournament. Stanton and Neil were taken from the London refugee camp and flown to the Disciples of Darkness HQ in the deep jungles of a small island off the coast of Japan. There a dark ceremony took place. Stanton's soul was removed, and his body is now inhabited by the soul of Damion, the former leader of the Disciples of Darkness. Now known as Damion II, he has become fanatical about bringing the Dark One to Earth, even if it means his own death.

