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Profile of Daniel

Name: Daniel Jameson

Fighting Style: Kung-Fu

Birth Date: November 25, 1984

Current Age: 15

Nationality: American

Family: Chase- stepbrother

Friends: Frostbite, Chase

Blood Type: B

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 136 lbs.

Hobbies: Practicing Kung-Fu, training Frostbite, playing the electric guitar

Likes: Skateboarding, Chase, Frostbite, Kung-Fu movies

Hates: Snow's attitude, demons

Story: Story: Daniel's story begins when he was only three years old. He was abandoned by his real family when he was just a child. After a few weeks, he met Jediko, another boy about his age who was rejected by his family as well. Jediko looked normal, but the whites of his eyes were instead black, and he had red irises. Daniel wasn't affected by this fact, and made friends with him. Over the years, the two became inseparable. Until one day, when the boys were about six years old, when they were visited by Jediko's father! However, this was no ordinary family reunion. Jediko's father turned out to be a gigantic demon called the Fallen Angel. The Fallen Angel wanted to take Jediko back to Hell. Jediko, being half-demon, could become the ultimate stealth assassin for the Minions of Darkness. Neither of the boys wanted to be separated, so they fought against the Fallen Angel. It was futile, however, and Daniel was thrown 20 feet into a house by a fireball! Daniel passed out watching his best friend fight vigorously against the Fallen Angel. When Daniel woke up, he was inside the home of the family who owned the house he was thrown into. When the family learned that Daniel had no family, they decided to adopt him into their family, the Jamesons. Daniel lived the next eight years of his life as a member of the Jamesons', but he never forgot his childhood friend. Daniel started taking Kung-Fu lessons from his older stepbrother Chase, and soon mastered the art. One day, on his way home from school, he noticed a small boy from his gym class being attacked by a larger boy with blood-red hair. Daniel drop-kicked the red-haired student in the back of the head, and carried the smaller boy back to the nurse's office. The boy introduced himself as Frostbite, and explained to Daniel that the student attacking him was his older brother, Snow. Frostbite explained that ever since he could walk, Snow had been beating him up daily. Frostbite hated violence, and therefore refused to fight back. Daniel told him that just wishing his brother would stop wasn't going to make the problem go away, and the only way to make him quit was to fight back! Frostbite then broke down and begged Daniel to teach him how to fight. How could Daniel refuse? From that day on, Daniel would walk home with Frostbite, and teach him Kung-Fu after school. Frostbite later showed Daniel his strange ancestral powers. Apparently, when Frostbite becomes focused enough, he can shoot a beam of ice at his opponent, freezing him or her in place for a little while. Daniel asked Frostbite why he didn't use that ability against Snow, and Frostbite replied that he was afraid of angering Snow any further. On March 15, 1999, the demonic invasion of Earth began. When Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff announced that they were going to combine their funds to sponser the 1999 Doomsday tournament, Daniel noticed that a very strange-looking silhouette was lurking behind them. Daniel recognized the figure's red and black glowing eyes and begged his brother to let him sign up for the tournament. Chase agreed, and he made arrangements for Daniel, Frostbite and himself to sign up for participation in 1999 Doomsday: Fight for Your Life!!

