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Profile of Daniel-san

Name: Daniel-san

Fighting Style: Miyagi Style Traditional Karate

Birth Date: June 22, 1979

Current Age: 19

Nationality: American

Family: None

Friends: Mr. Miyagi, Mori Shintaro

Blood Type: B

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 177 lbs.

Hobbies: Entering tournaments, going on dates with his girlfriend, training with Mr. Miyagi

Likes: Strong opponents, true warriors, Mori Shintaro's fighting style

Hates: Cheaters, the Disciples of Darkness

Story: Daniel-san is, as you may know, the world-famous student of the legendary Mr. Miyagi. Daniel-san has decided to join the 1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath tournament teamed up with Mr. Miyagi himself and the grandfather of the 3 Ninjas, Mori Shintaro. Mori and Mr. Miyagi trained together on the island of Okinawa for more than 10 years. Daniel-san agreed to fight in the tournament because he not only wanted to defeat the demons that are destroying the world, but also so he can test the skills of Mori's grandsons in battle. The strange part is, Daniel-san just might be good enough to defeat all three of them, too. One thing's for sure, Daniel-san will have one hell of a fight on his hands in the very near future.

