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Profile of Frostbite

Name: Frostbite

Fighting Style: Kung-Fu

Birth Date: February 11, 1986

Current Age: 13

Nationality: American

Family: Snow (brother), Hail (half-brother), Blizzard (father)

Friends: Daniel, Taima

Blood Type: AB

Height: 4’ 7”

Weight: 77 lbs.

Hobbies: Swimming, being with Daniel

Likes: Daniel, snow cones, having fun, cooking for his friends

Hates: Being with Snow, fighting in general

Story: Frostbite was born into a very unusual family, marked by very unusual names. His father’s actual legal name is Blizzard Frost. Frostbite’s older brother, Snow made it painfully clear to Frostbite at an early age just how little he liked him. Frostbite received daily beatings from his brother that were so severe that he is reluctant to talk about them to this day. Frostbite has always been very peaceful, and only learned how to freeze his opponent in place with a beam of ice. Frostbite always hated fighting, and even though he was smaller than Snow, he was much faster and more agile than his older brother. He could have fought back against Snow, and it was very likely that he would have won, but no matter what, Frostbite never hit Snow back. One day after school, Snow attacked Frostbite and gave him the most terrible beating ever! Frostbite couldn’t even lift his head to see the stranger who kicked Snow in the back of the head, knocking him out cold. Frostbite felt himself being lifted up and carried to the school nurse’s office. There he met Daniel, the boy who saved him from his psychotic brother. They began to talk and immediately became fast friends. Daniel and Frostbite began training every night after school. Daniel was an accomplished Kung-Fu student, and was happy to teach Frostbite the martial art. Frostbite quickly mastered the techniques and soon became almost equal to Daniel in power. During the Minions of Darkness’ invasion on March 15, 1999, Snow appeared to Frostbite and lunged at him, saying that this time the fight will be for real, and he won’t hold anything back. Frostbite met Snow’s lunge with a high kick, stopping Snow cold. This surprised Snow long enough for Frostbite to freeze him, kick him several more times, and throw him to the ground. Snow was understandably confused. Frostbite had never fought back before, why now? Frostbite answered him with a kick to the ribs, doubling Snow over in pain. Snow redoubled his efforts against Frostbite, but was blocked every time, and got backflip kicked in the teeth for his troubles. Frostbite then grabbed Snow and put him in a Tombstone Piledriver, putting Snow out cold instantly. Apparently Snow never recovered mentally from the defeat, because he still hunts Frostbite and Daniel to this day with a psychotic passion. Daniel was very proud of Frostbite for standing up to Snow at last. Unfortunately, Daniel also had bad news to give to Frostbite. While Frostbite was fighting with Snow, his father was killed in battle with a demon. Frostbite was heartbroken, and refused to speak to anyone for a whole week. When he returned, he was completely back to normal. However, Frostbite’s ordeal was not over yet. A few days later, an assassin from the Disciples of Darkness appeared and easily defeated Frostbite. He would have been decapitated by the assassin if Daniel hadn’t recognized him as his long lost friend from the years before Daniel’s adoption into the Jameson family. Now that very assassin, Taima has sworn to protect them. The three of them will make a great team against the Minions of Darkness.

