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Profile of Frostbite

Name: Frostbite

Fighting Style: Kung-Fu

Birth Date: February 11, 1986

Current Age: 13

Nationality: American

Family: Snow (brother), Hail (half-brother), Blizzard (father)

Friends: Daniel, Taima, Tum Tum, Rocky, Colt

Blood Type: AB

Height: 4’ 7”

Weight: 77 lbs.

Hobbies: Swimming, being with Daniel, cooking, working at the Dragon Of The Black Pool (part of a Cantonese restaurant chain)

Likes: Daniel, snow cones, having fun, cooking for his friends

Hates: Being with Snow, fighting in general

Story: After the second tournament, Frostbite left Australia with Daniel and Taima. The three ended up in Bangkok, Thailand. There they spent the next few weeks in intense training, preparing for the next battle. Frostbite was barely able to defeat his brother Snow with the help of his half-brother, Hail. Until that moment, Frostbite (and just about everyone else) was sure that Hail was siding with Snow. During the fight, Snow had just knocked Frostbite for a loop with a steel chair. The pain was almost too much for Frostbite to bear, so he prepared to use his Special Backflip Kick in desperation. Out of nowhere, Hail's flying foot came in contact with the back of Snow's head, setting him up perfectly for the backflip kick. Upon administering the Special Backflip Kick, Frostbite was lifted to his feet by Hail, who told him to always fight for what he believes is right, and never let ANYONE stop him. Anyway, soon after arriving in Thailand, Frostbite recieved an unexpected visit from Colt, one of the 3 Ninjas. Frostbite offered to cook him some lunch, but Colt politely declined (a first for Colt, mind you). Colt went into a room with Taima, and called up his brothers, telling them to meet him in Bangkok. A few days later, Rocky and Tum Tum arrived. Tum Tum seemed to really take a shine to Frostbite's cooking (especially the instant snow cones). Colt's brothers brought with them three tickets to the next tournament, 1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath. Frostbite knew he had to pump up his training if he was going to survive...

