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Profile of Miyo

Name: Miyo

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu

Birth Date: May 3, 1983

Current Age: 16

Nationality: Japanese

Family: (mother), (father?)

Friends: Tum Tum, Rocky, Colt

Blood Type: A

Height: 5’ 7”

Weight: 127 lbs.

Hobbies: Training with Rocky, learning new techniques, being with Rocky

Likes: Rocky, Rocky's sense of humor, Rocky's handsome face, Rocky's attitude, etc.

Hates: Being away from Rocky, being teased by Colt and Tum Tum about liking Rocky (although she doesn't really mind this, it tends to prompt Rocky into temporarily denying their relationship)

Story: After she finished beating the crap out of Darren on the baseball field, Miyo left to go live with Rocky's family for a while. When the demonic hordes destroyed L.A., Miyo knew she had to do something. She backed Colt up when he wanted their team to enter 1999 Doomsday 2: Hell on Earth. Her great sense of honor and justice prevented her from merely standing by and watching a tragedy unfold. Miyo also entered the tournament to help save the life of Mori Shintaro, Rocky's grandfather, who has recently fallen ill. Miyo will stop at nothing to see that justice is carried out in the tournament.

