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Profile of Rocky

Name: Samuel "Rocky" Douglas

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu

Birth Date: April 17, 1983

Current Age: 16

Nationality: American

Family: Colt, Tum Tum- brothers, Mori Shintaro- grandfather

Friends: Miyo, Colt, Tum Tum

Blood Type: O

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 129 lbs.

Hobbies: Going out with Miyo, training with his brothers, playing basketball

Likes: Miyo, honesty, honorable fighters, backwards caps

Hates: Cowards, dishonorable people

Story: After Koga was defeated in Japan and his team won the Baseball championship, Rocky invited Miyo to stay at his family's house. Well, Colt and Tum Tum heard this and began to sing and taunt Rocky about "loving Miyo". After three minutes of constant taunting, Miyo ran up to Rocky, quickly accepted, and bolted through the front door holding his hand. The next morning, Colt asked Rocky if he thought the sky over Los Angeles looked red... Rocky told him to judt ignore it, and suggested that maybe Colt had too much soda at Miyo's moving party. Later that day, the "earthquake" that rocked Los Angeles struck. When the demon hordes began to advance towards Rocky's town, Colt insisted that they fight off the monsters. Rocky told him that there's no way that they could beat an entire army of demons, and Colt reluctantly agreed. That night, the 3 Ninjas and Miyo fled to their bomb shelter in the basement. Colt saw the first 1999 Doomsday tournament on the television in the bomb shelter, and saw this as a way to battle the forces of evil that destroyed Los Angeles without running blindly into a war-like melee suicide mission. Unfortunately, the tournament wasn't taking any new challengers. Around the same time, Rocky became concerned about his grandfather's health. Mori Shintaro was deathly ill, and nobody knew what the problem was. Mori told Rocky that a flower grown only in the Australian outback could cure him, but only Doomsday competitors were allowed to travel outside the country. When Rocky heard about a SECOND tournament, he let Colt know about it, but also told him that the true ninja doesn't enter a fight he isn't sure he can win. Colt and Miyo protested that they have to do something about the demon invasion, if not for the world, then for grandpa. Rocky agreed on that (probably because of Miyo) and the four ninjas decided to sneak out that night and sign up for 1999 Doomsday 2: Hell on Earth (by the way, Tum Tum had no say on what they would do, seems to happen a lot, doesn't it?).

