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Profile of Rocky

Name: Samuel "Rocky" Douglas

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu

Birth Date: April 17, 1983

Current Age: 16

Nationality: American

Family: Colt, Tum Tum- brothers, Mori Shintaro- grandfather

Friends: Colt, Daniel, Tum Tum, Frostbite, Taima, Miyo

Blood Type: O

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 129 lbs.

Hobbies: Training with Daniel and the Starz Team, training with his brothers, playing basketball

Likes: Daniel's moves, honesty, Miyo, Frostbite's cooking, backwards caps, training at the Bangkok Battle Pagoda

Hates: Dishonorable people, cowardice, Snow

Story: When Rocky participated in the second Doomsday tournament, he narrowly defeated Daniel in a bout that lasted over an hour. Their bout completely destroyed the steel cage they were locked inside. During the match, Rocky and Daniel began to learn each other's style, and both were greatly impressed at the other's skill. A sort of mutual respect formed between them, and although Rocky kicked Daniel THROUGH the steel cage to win the match, they became fast friends. Rocky was eventually defeated by Taima, and found out that he had made friends with Colt earlier, as well as that Tum Tum teamed up with Frostbite. This came as a surprise to Rocky (what are the odds of every member of two teams making friends?), but he didn't complain. Now the 3 Ninjas and the Starz Team have become a powerful force for good. After Taima won the 1999 Doomsday 2: Hell on Earth tournament, Rocky and Daniel promised to meet and train together sometime. However, all was not well. When Rocky, Colt, and Tum Tum returned home, they were shocked to find that several members of their school's karate club had stopped speaking to their families. A week later, as Rocky was sleeping in bed, Miyo kicked him from the ceiling, smashing his bed into the floor. Colt and Tum Tum abruptly woke up to find Rocky desperately fighting for his life against a demonically posessed Miyo wearing her full ninja outfit. Rocky was forced to fight against a girl he not only liked, but was the Koga Dojo Champion as well. Rocky pleaded with Miyo to tell him what was wrong, but she responded by punching him in the nose and choke-slamming him through the floor. When Rocky got up, he realized that Miyo's eyes were glowing a bright green, and that his nose was bleeding quite a bit. He didn't have time to think much more, however. A split second later, Miyo's trademark battle cry could be heard throughout the entire house, and the next thing Rocky knew, he was being thrown into his family's sink, breaking every dish in it. Rocky's forehead was bleeding now, and he was unable to get up for a few seconds. When he did stand up, he was immediately knocked right back down by a flying table thrown by Miyo. Miyo promptly picked Rocky up by his pajama shirt, and body slammed him onto the table she had just thrown, breaking it in half. Rocky then recieved a free ride through the kitchen wall courtesy of Miyo airlines. By now, Colt and Tum Tum were downstairs, yelling at Miyo to stop her attack. Miyo spoke to them in an inhuman deep voice, telling Colt to leave them alone. She proceeded to run up the stairs and leap trough the ceiling, leaving a huge hole in the roof. Colt and Tum Tum ran outside to pick up their unconscious brother and brought him back inside the house. The next morning, Rocky decided to send a letter to Daniel and his friends in Thailand, telling them about what happened. Colt objected and told Rocky that they have to go Thailand immediately, or it will be too late. Rocky still disagreed. The next morning, Rocky and Tum Tum found a message next to their beds from Colt. The message stated that Colt was sick of waiting around and had left for Thailand alone. A few days later after frantic searching, Rocky found two letters in the mail. One was addressed to Rocky and Tum Tum from Colt, and the other was addressed to "The 3 Ninjas" from the 1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath Tournament Registration. The letter from the Doomsday tournament registration was an invitation to participate in 1999 Doomsday 2: Aftermath Tournament. This tournament is invitational only, and attendance is strictly mandatory. Colt's letter contained two tickets to Bangkok, Thailand for Rocky and Tum Tum. No explanation, just a small letter that read "Rocky, Tum Tum, come to Thailand now. See ya, Colt". Rocky took Tum Tum by the arm and drove their father's car to the airport. When they arrived in Thailand, they met up with Taima, Colt, Daniel, and Frostbite for special training.

