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Profile of Tum Tum

Name: Michael "Tum Tum" Douglas

Fighting Style: Ninjitsu

Birth Date: January 30, 1988

Current Age: 11

Nationality: American

Family: Colt, Rocky- brothers, Mori Shintaro- grandfather

Friends: Colt, Rocky, Miyo

Blood Type: O

Height: 4'9"

Weight: 91 lbs.

Hobbies: Training with his brothers, playing basketball, eating assorted candies

Likes: Training with his brothers, all kinds of sweets, "to stay on Grandpa's good side"

Hates: Dishonorable people, peas, brussel sprouts, vegetables in general

Story: The youngest of the 3 Ninjas, Tum Tum is probably the absolute last person you would expect to be involved in a life-or-death martial arts tournament. Tum Tum plans to use this to his advantage. When his grandfather took ill, Michael "Tum Tum" Douglas watched his brothers bicker about whether or not they would enter 1999 Doomsday 2: Hell on Earth. Tum Tum tried several times to voice his opinion on what they would do, but no one listened to him. In the end, the 3 Ninjas decided to enter the dangerous tournament. Tum Tum sighed in frustration and snuck out of the house with his brothers to enter 1999 Doomsday 2: Hell on Earth...

