BJWC Dented 1999
Sunday, September 26th
Thomas and Mac Center, Las Vegas, NV
(The logo appears on the screen. BJWC music blares up. Fans rise. DENTED appears. Pyros begin to explode! From pillar to post the place lights up like a christmas tree. Fans go wild. After a good 15 seconds the light show ends and the fans are screaming as the smoke settles. A moment of silence and "Highway From Hell" blares up, the fans rise again. Billy Jay on his way out to kickoff this BJWC spectacular PPV!)
Billy Jay: (Has on a red tux, with the words on the back saying "DENTED" in shiney silver. He has wrestling boots on and the camera zooms in to show that "FAS's FACE HERE" on the toe of the boot. He speaks.....)
Welcome BJWC Fans and Addicts to DENTED 1999!!!! We have one hell of a show tonight!!! We have just ended a meeting concerning Prez Pats future and I will announce it later tonight!!! We have Ponce/KAHN/Hart/Cyris ect ect tonight in possibly the greatest line up for any PPV ever! The talk will end, and now we will see who can hold their own, who isn't just talk!!
Now, since Friday never took place, thanks Pat, we have a few new thing going down tonight for that World Title but I'll let you in on that a little later on tonight after I.........(Billy Jay unbuttons his Dented Tux and reveals his wresting outfit, with DENTED 1999 and BJWC stuff plastered all over it. Fans cheer on his outfit. )........I kick FAS's ass around the ring! (The fans cheer as Billy Jay hops the ropes and leaves.)
James Edgebrook: Oh my! Prez Pat future very uncertain and we will find out if or if he isn't fired tonight! Also Ponce has been saying he has something to say to Billy Jay and to the BJWC but hasn't arrived yet. Plus, rumors about two new BJWC Wrestlers returning tonight! Could Outlander be back? Most people claim Billy Jay would never let him back yet some think they have been in cahoots all the time. Makes you think.
Plus, we have Tag Titles on the line, TV Title, NA Title., Hardcore Title, Billy Jay risks the fate of his company against FAS! D2K looks to end Stable Minds Gold Rush and try to begin their very own. Will Billy Jay put another stop to Dan Dehart's match? Because Billy Jay has vowed revenge and vowed to never let him hold gold yet put him in a title match! Either Billy Jay knows what he's doing or he really feels TA is not gonna lose.
(screen flips to the top of the Tomas and Mac Center arena and the RING is being checked! THE ARENA is set and the cameras are set. )
Don't forget we have the Dented Chair Match, the Arena Top Match along with many others. This PPV is so jam packed full of stuff we may need some help announc.....(He pauses and Jennifer Streaks pulls up a chair.)
Streaks: Alright you don't gotta beg, I'll help ya out James. I'm the insight behind the fight, the talk that is watching the walk, i am the former Miss WC, Jennifer "Love me, Hug me, and Rub me" Streaks!
(Edgebrook shaking his head at her introduction. He looks at her smiling and continues.)
Edgebrook: Well, thanks for joining me! Let's go to the ring for the first title Defense of the night! Sipple and Sir Sack Vs . Billion dollar Ted and Sharply Dressed Man! Should be a good two on one match here.
Streaks: I say BDT and SDM are more of a joke than Sir Sack himself being the bag of oranges he or it is! I just hope Sipple brings out that hunk of man meat Lander of Out.
Sipple and Sir Sack (champs)
Billion Dollar Ted and Sharply Dressed Man (challengers)
"Money Money" by Billion Dollar Band blares over the loud speakers. "This ROOKIE Tag Team Combo weighs a combined 468 pounds. Hailing from Atlanta. They are the team of...........Billion Dollar Ted, and Sharply Dressed Man!!!!!!!
But Sharply Dressed Man steps out a begins to come down to the ring. He tells the announcer to say something, announcers accepts, "We have a change, the team of Sharply Dressed Man and Grand Master P!!!!" Out steps Billion Dollar Ted in a Skate Board slash Rapper guy and he runs into the ring and starts struting his new look.
"Trash" by Jimmie's Chicken Shack comes on. "Their ooponents, weighing in tonight at 295 pounds. Accompanied by Lander of Out. The Master of the Cultivation Leg Drop and the Sack of Oranges. They are THE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS.......Sipple and Sir Sack!"
Fans rise, as Sipple is pulling the radio flyer. Lander of Out walks slowly to the ring behind them. Sipple sets Sir Sack in the ring and rolls in getting as much cheer as possible. Some Cooper rocks are thrown.
Bell rings. A man in a robe walks to ringside and stands watching not moving. It is the same robbed man seen before involved with the Hart Foundation. Sipple goes to work early with clotheslines. But after a few double teams GMP (Grand Master P) and SDM (Sharply Dressed Man) start going to work . For what seemed like forever they rookie tema had the advantage with two close pinfalls. Fans started to chant "Cooper" to get the party goin. Finally the match started getting interesting when Sipple tossed Sir Sack into the gut of GMP! Sipple then hit a face buster! Sipple laid both men out with a DDT and set Sir Sack on top in a heap in the center of the ring, Sipple up top.....CULTIVATION!!!! Corkscrew Leg Drop!!!!! He covers all three after a little show boating!! 1.......2.....KICKOUT!!!! GMP locked on the Billion Dollar Dream to Sir Sack!?!?! Fans laughed as Sipple went to school with SDM!!!! GMP then tosses Sir Sack over the ropes. Sipple runs at him GMP with a back body drop over the top ropes! Cooper steps out the entrance! FANS BURST!!!! Styrofoam rocks being tossed!!! He sneaks up to the ring!!! SDM picks up Sir Sack!!!! Cooper has OVEN MITS and a cookie sheet!!!! He sneaks up to SDM and LUNGES TOWARDS SIR SACK but SDM drops Sir Sack!!!! COOKIE SHEET to SDMs head!!! Cooper was trying to hit Sir Sack but missed! GMP picks up Sir Sack to hit Sipple with and Cooper tries to hit Sir Sack again but crushes GMP over the skull!!! The ref checking on SDM he turns and find Sipple delivering the DDT and a cover! 1.......2......3!!! It's all over!!!! Victory for the Champs! Wait here comes Exodus! Sipple and Cooper and Lander of Out all staring down Exodus, they attack Exodus!!! Chairs to the back and head! What an assault! Exodus has just been demoted from the Stable Minds!!!!
WINNER: Sir Sack and Sipple defend the Tag Titles
James Edgebrook: Nice defend for the champ or champs officially! Little help from Cooper by accident. But you take what you can get!
Streaks: Well, I got to see Lan.....who is this? Someone is coming out!
The lights go out, and a bell tolls. People mutter, wondering what's going on. A second bell tolls, and the arena is
bathed in an eerie green light.The intro of Metallica's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" plays on the PA, igniting the crowd in a dischord of loud boos and cheers. The curtain is parted, and none other than Merlin Reynolds, aka g-Crusher, flys down the steel ramp. It's Merlin!!!! He is back in the BJWC!!!! Listen to the sound of this mixed crwod reaction! I've never heard a mixed crowd reaction this loud!!!! The Thomas and Mac Center is rocking.
G-Crusher! Performs several acrobatic manuevers, including a backflip, no-hands cartwheel, and a quick shoulder roll, he makes it to the ring, where he uses the top rope to catapult himself inside. He then flips his trademark g-sign, and the explosions go off all around the arena. The normal house lights are returned, and g holds a microphone in his hand as he smiles for the crowd.
Merlin- "HEYAAAAZZ, BEE-JAY-DUBBA-YOU-SEE!!! [The crowd does its mixed boos and cheers] Tonight
is the night where I come home, back to the place where I started the madness known only
as g-Mania! [another crowd reaction] Yeah, I missed you all too. But enough with all the
emotional bunk, I came here to regain my place as one of the top athletes here, and I'm
more than happy to fight for it. Hell, isn't that what I do?!"
[The crowd erupts as g bounces off the ropes a few times for good measure. He continues]
"Tonight... I'm not involved in the festivities... [some boos] However, I will not go
unnoticed. Damn straight, I'm gonna be stirring it up... g-style! I see my... [coughs,
rolls his eyes] OLD friend, Daniel Dehart, has returned here. Danny said I deserted him
in a fed awhile ago just 'cuz I took some well-deserved rest. Deserted? Pah. Like the
lazy sunufabiotch actually DID anything in that place... [The crowd begins to roar in a
mixture of chants and boos] Anywho, past is past, and we wouldn't want THAT to get in
the way of business, would we? [he whispers loudly into the mic] Of course we do..."
[The crowd cheers loudly]
"As always, I have my eyes on some gold... which belt? Well, I'll give you a hint... I plan
on starting out reasonably small... no, not Brain Hart's BJWC Peanut Championship belt,
those Martha Stewart creations suck! Am I right? 'Course I am! [crowd begins a "Brain
sucks" chant, g waits out the crowd] Anywho, I just thought I'd make it official that
I am, indeed, returning to the BJWC... I've got a title to get, a purpose to fufill...
[He shouts]
[Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls cranks on the PA once again, and g-Crusher throws
down the microphone and poses in the g-sign as the crowd erupts barely over the explosions.
g makes his way back to the curtain and the bells toll once again, then he leaves.]
Jennifer Streaks: G-Crusher has returned! I remember awarding him with a few belts back in the day!
Edgebrook: Yeah, he has held some gold in the past of the BJWC! He seems to have a few problems with Dan, I wonder if this means he will not join D2K!!??? Cuz the last like 3 men into the BJWC has joined the D2K and it looks like G-Crusher will be the acception!
Well, here comes the Vallet Match! TA's girl Danica, versus McClane's Rebecca! This has been drawn out for a very long time! This is when one man steps up and other steps down, in this case, when one lady steps up. It may turn out to be a tag match knowing how invloved McClane and TA are to their girls!
Danica w/ TA Tyrone Algaurd
Rebecca w/ Chris McClane
TA steps out with his NA Belt with Danica on his side. The fans cheer them on as they enter the ring. McClane steps out with Rebecca! Fans boo! He has the rack of chairs once again! McClane has his TV title as well. Not to long ago TA and McClane traded belts in a ladder match! So they have a big history behind them. McClane trying to enter himself in the Hardcore division soon and TA trying to get himself in World Contention! The bell rings and the cat fight begins. Hair tosses, hip tosses, drop kicks galore! After a reversed suplex Danica went for a cover stopped by McClane! TA tried to get to Chris but the ref broke it up! Danica pulled Rebecca up, BITCH SLAP!!!! Rebecca falls, Danica with a pin 1.........2.......3NO KICKOUT!!! Rebecca with alot more left than expected. McClane rolls in with a chair, TA follows suit and McClane wins the battle whacking TA over the head with the chair! Danica turns around SMACK!!!! Chair shot!!! Wait! Danica ducked and it was Rebecca who got clobbered!!!! The ref stunned, TA pulls McClane under the bottom rope and he pounded McClane into the cement. Danica falls over Rebecca! 1........2........3! It's all over! Backfired chair shot wins the match for Danica.
WINNER: Danica
Jennifer Streaks: Not entertaining not talented not ME! That cuts it! (She tosses off her head set and leaves James' side! James shakes his head again as she comes diving into the ring.)
Jennifer Streaks' Interview
Streaks: I am sick already of being behind that desk, I cannot sit back and watch a horrible womens wrestling match like that! I have a little suprise! (She grabs a bag from ringside and pulls out the Women's Miss WC Belt!) Now, remember how we used to have the Miss WC Crown and then we had the miss WC Belt? Well, I talked Billy Jay into melting down that crown that people like Loco Babe and Lady G touched, and combine it and turn it into the NEW BJWC Women's Title! Now, even though Billy Jay has not told me to do this, I say, you Danica versus me for this belt! (She makes motions towards Danica and TA tries to hold her back! Danica picks up a chair and dives into the ring and the ref rings the bell.)
BJWC New Womens Belt
Jennifer Streaks
Danica swings the chair but Streaks ducks and runs the Belt across her face. She then takes the chair and lays it in the middle of the ring! She goes fora suplex, reversed by Danica! DDT by Danica! Cover. 1........2......KICKOUT! Danica grabs the chair, Streaks stands, she tosses her the chair, Streaks catches it BITCH SLAP!!!! No!!! Streaks blocked the slap with the chair! Danica hurting! Streaks slides the chair under Danica! BULLDOG!!!! BULLDOG onto the chair!!!! Oh my!!! Cover!!! 1.......2......KICKOUT!!!! Danica up with punches!!! SAMOAN DROP!!!! Leg drop! Missed! Streaks with a running backbreaker! She lays the chair on Danica's chest! Streaks grabs the Womens Belt and hops on the top turnbuckle and holds the belt high in the air! TA runs over to distract Streaks but she is expecting it and throws the belt into his face and then hits a TOP ROPE SPLASH!!!! Onto the chair!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Cover! 1......2......3 It's all over!!!
WINNER: Jennifer Streaks once again the BJWCs Womens Champion
James Edgebrook: Well, looks like i'm alone at the announcers booth again! Streaks is off with her gold! Danica is recovering in the ring. I wonder what Ponce is gonna say when he arrives and give his interview tonight. Plus, Billy Jay will announce the new World Title rules for tonights match due to Friday Fire never airing, plus Billy Jay will announce the future of Prez Pat later tonight can you say, "Thats one hell of a show?" well , here comes.........It's PONCE!!! He is doing his speech now! Some say he will jump the BJWC ship some say he will resign we have no clue what he is gonna do! But we know it will be big!
Ponce's Interview
The fans on their feet, for an interview that Ponce has promised to be important.
"Killa Bee Stylee" By Limp Bizkit kicks on as Ponce makes his way down to ringside! The fans are on their feet! A Ponce chant starts as the Former 3-time champ has a stern look on his face working his way to ringside. He carries with him, a piece of paper. He rolls under the bottom rope and demands a Mic.
Ponce: "Hey WC...Enough with the formalities, i'm sure you all know what is going to happen here. See this piece of paper in my hands? Its a contract from non other than the BCW. THATS RIGHT! The fed you love to hate...the HOME of the original Monday RIOT. They offered me a Multi-Million Dollar Contract to jump ship, as well as a guaranteed World Title Run as soon as i enter their fed. Now, it pained me to make this desision...BUT
(Ponce is practically in hystarics, a tear trickles down his eye as the fans boo the Foundation, not a sound he is accustomed to hearing)
"Well BJ, I've had enough..This Match against Kahn will be my last...And WHEN I win, I'm taking the BJWC title over to BCW...I'll lay it at the feet of the prez and give them what
they want. A REAL Champ...So to you BJWC----"
( "Highway from Hell" blares up! BILLY JAY walks out of the back, he's got a sad face on him to as he walks down ringside to a chorus of "BJ" chants. He too, holds a piece of paper in his hands)
Billy Jay: "Ponce, I have tried to do what I can to keep you amung the people we have in the BJWC! But, Ponce I'm sorry we have gone our different way as of late. But, I am not gonna just say good bye! I am gonna make one last "Come Back Kid" style attempted to keep you! Here! (he hands Ponce the paper) A new BJWC Contract!
(Ponce reads, and a smirk seems to enter his face. He looks at Billy Jay and nods.)
Billy Jay: That's not the end of it! Ponce, to show you that I trust and honor your spot in this company I want YOU the FOUNDATION to REF my match tonight against FAS for Ownership of the BJWC!!! WILL YOU ACCEPT!! And be a part of BJWC again!!!!
Ponce: YES......Yes I will!
(The fans go wild and Billy Jay and Ponce shake hands and look at the camera's for some quality shots capturing the moment. Ponce is staying in the BJWC!)
James Edgebrook: The fans love it! Billy Jay has made the adjustment to keep the 3 time champ in his company! Ponce is exiting to a huge reaction. But, Billy Jay is staying in the ring! It looks like he is going to make an announcement, let's go to the ring mic once again!
Billy Jay's Announcement
Billy Jay: Alright now that I have saved the company by saving one of BJWC's greatest! I also have a few announcements to make about tonights World Title Games!!! Since PREZ PAT......(boos).....did not grace us with Friday Fire we have very upset people and very upset wrestlers coming into tonights PPV! Well, I have a solution! Tonight the WINNER of the ARENA MATCH will become the INSTANT #1 Contender!!!! Then the WINNER of the WORLD TITLE MATCH between the newly reaquired Ponce and The Champ KAHN will then fight the Number one Contender for DENTED's MAIN EVENT!!!! (Fans erupt! The place goes wild.)
I will step aside and let BJWC Action continue but I have a few more things to address later tonight, including Prez Pat's situation and a few notes about my match tonight! Stay Tuned!!!
(Billy Jay rolls under the ropes as the fans cheer him out the exit.),br>
James Edgebrook: Wow! Now the two main event matches will be three! Another 4 way World Title Tourney! This shall be great! Well, looks like it's NA title time!
NA Title Match
TA Tyrone Alguard (champ)
Dan Dehart (challenger)
Dan Dehart steps out and boos fill the arena. A few cheers can be heard, but they seem distant. Dehart shruggs off the fans reactions and awaits his challenge.
Danica TA's gal comes out and is laying out the golden carpet! Out steps the NA Champ, to a champion type reaction! He has on some golden attire, not his RIOT gear like usual. He sends Danica to get a mic as TA lays the belt in front of Dan!
T.A.- "First off, LAS VEGAS WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU SMOKING!!!" (Crowd cheers) "Now this piece of shit DAN DEHART (points at him) is out here and he's gonna call down here all of his D2K buddies and try to take MY NA title away well i dont really understand what that SON OF A BITCH did to this fed and i dont care!" (Crowd chants "TA"and they cheer) "BJ, you helped me out before, now let me take care of your lightwork as i ANNIHILATE THIS PIECE OF TRASH.. He got his PIDDLY ASS signed on the dotted line and that line is coming right to his end its almost time Dan so bring the "EXPRESS" right here so i can shove it straight up your ass!!!"
Billy Jay steps outs out and Dan is focused on the Prez! TA grabs Dan TOTAL ANNHILATION!!! TA goes to ringisde and retreives THE HARDCORE FOUNDATION CHAIR!!! Fans cheer him on! Chair with Barbed wire! Nails Dan over the head with the chair! Billy jay exits as TA goes to school! He calls for Danica to give him his sunglasses and he puts them on calling for Annhilation! And hits it again! Cover 1........2 TA pulls Dan up!
Forevers Beginning on the HARDCORE CHAIR!!!! From out of the crowd hops a HUGE MAN! The extremly large man in a trench coat wait is that T.A.'s friend it is ITs V!!!! he takes teh coat off to reveal his huge self the blue skin and the red hair. See what Nuclear testinf can do? he walks towards Dan, Dan grabs a chair! V's hit by a chair!! It didnt phase him. DAN is still motionless V helps T.A. up Dan is a bloody mess T.A. runs backstage A revving noise can be heard V picks up Dan and holds him over the ropes his feet are dangling over the ring apron now. Its. T.A. in his BMW! He comes screeching out and slams on teh brakes! The car turns sideways and slams into DEHART legs! Oh my! TA is trying to kill DEHART! I'm not sure if Dan got his feet out of the way! But either way, TA is going to school! The ref stunned! Knows TA made the rules of this match so this is all legal! Out runs D2K! Tyler! Cyris! Dante! Dan is a Bloody mess! V lifts him back in the ring SPINNING CRADLE TOMBSTONE. V is lifts Dan up for a CHOKE SLAM. T.A. Climnbs the turnbuckle DANICA hands T.A. a CHAIR V slams DAN down and walks over to T.A., T.A. on top of V's Shoulders. V grabs a hold of T.A.'s legs and throws him down onto DAN Chair to the head! But D2K attacks V just in time and Dan falls free just before the chair! This has gone to Far! V tries to clear out the D2K but is it's 3 on 2! V was gonna try the sharpshooter but D2K is attacking him like rabid dogs! V leaves TA and Dan in the ring to finish off the battle! Dante also stays back a grabs a chair! Tyler Lee and Cyris are trying to get V away from this match! V is also leading D2K away, V goes thru the parking lot! He climbs into a dump truck! He is driving away after tossing both D2K members into the side of the truck! He is trying to back over the D2K members but they scramble out of the way! V drives away! TA is still in the ring and taunts Dan with the belt and gives it to the ref. The bell rings! Dante attacks the ref with a chair and suplex's TA onto his BMW hood! Dante just trying to even up the match! He takes TA's own chair with barbedwire and connects three times! Danica tries to get involved but Dan grabs her ankle! Dante rolls him back into the ring! The ref wakes! Both men matching skills, back and fourth with no falls going past a 2 count. TA hit the Cock Bottom twice and Dan hit the Train twice both missing their respected finishers via reversals. It is a bloody mess between the two! TA side stepped another SPEAR but this time it sent Dan's blow straight into the ref ending his duties for the match. Dan got up and was meet by a Cock Bottom and it looked like TA was gonna hit the TOTAL ANNHILATION but Dan with a low blow and as TA turned in pain Dan grabs him from behind! INVERTED BRAINBUSTER!!! The LAST STOP!!!! Fans boo as Dan makes a cover. Ref still out. Out comes another ref!!!! Fans boo! He slides into the 1.......2......NO!!!! The ref has stopped the count?!?!?! Dan looks up in anger! The ref is flipping him off! Dan is livid! Wait! Thats the G sign!!! It's G-Crusher!!!! G-Crusher!!!! He was the ref!!!!! He just screwed Dan out of the title! G-Crusher laughs and hops the ropes sprinting up the ramp and out of view! Dan Dehart follows him pissed as hell! The original ref sits up and starts a 10 count! TA regains his title as the ref calls for the COUNTOUT!!!!
WINNER: TA Tyrone Alguard via Countout defends the NA Title
James Edgebrook: Well, I saw G-Crusher talking with Billy Jay earlier tonight but I assumed it was about his return to the BJWC and what he plans to do! It looks like it may have been more! G- stated he had a little bad blood with this former BJWC Champ! And he may be taking out his revenge already! G just cost Dan and D2K the gold!
Well, TV Title next on the list! What a great line up we have had already, and only bigger and better things to come!
Chair Shot Count Match
Chris McClane (champ)
Masta Killa
Dark Sentry
McClane was given the choice to pick between this match or to drop the title and enter the Hardcore Chairs Count match he made no choice at all, and seemingly has dissapeared! His only appearence since Billy Jay gave him the choice was earlier tonight with Rebecca! Masta Killa steps out and the fans barley give him any reaction! There is a section of about 20 guys all cheering for him! Dark Sentry follows, a BJWC Rookie with a very good possible future here! Any of these men could pull this one off! Rebecca steps out with the rack of chairs and the boos begin! Chris decided to go with the same stips as the Hardcore Match it looks like. He rushes in! The only man with a chair! He clobbers Dark Sentry but Masta Killa rolls away just before behind hit. MK tries to grab a chair off the rack but Rebecca nails him from behind! Time limit is 30 same as the Hardcore Title bout. McClane leads with one! Dark Sentry recovers at ringside and takes James Edgebrooks chair at ringside and he rolls into the ring and clobberes McClane at the same time McClane clobbers MK! Fans cheer the action! Dark Sentry goes on a small rampage taking the lead in the match with 5 shots, 3 to mcClane 2 to McClane! McClane with 2! MK with 0! But MK blocks a shot steals the chair and goes to work hitting Dark Sentry with 3 chair shots in a row! This is a battle! McClane gets a chair from Rebecca and clobbers MK! Then Dark Sentry and holds up a chair in one hand and the number 4 with the other hand! MK takes another as does Dark Sentry and McClane is up to 6! Time is down to 10 minutes left in the match! The match goes to 2 minutes left with McClane counting up to 8 and Sentry up to 7 and MK getting 6! All men are down! No ten counts! No Count Outs! First man up will have the best shot at winning this thing. McClane sits up! He stands! 1 30 left and counting! He is tossed a chair from Rebecca! Dark Sentry stands. MK kneels! McClane turns! DROP KICK by MK! Into the face of McClane! 8, 7, 7! Dark Sentry swings at MK, MK ducks low blows! MK chair shot to SENTRY!!!!! 8,8,7!!! MK exausted! McClane helped up by Rebecca, Rebecca smacks MK over the head as he winds up for another blow! MK down everybody down again! Dark Sentry first up under 45 seconds left! He pulls McClane up, he begins to swings and then drops to the mat, Rebecca swings nails McClane in the face!!!! Oh!! Dark Sentry using defense for offense! He then pulls MK up! Swing! BLOCKED MK headbutts Dark Sentry they both hit the chair with their heads! 9,8,8! With MK winning the battle! MK first up but very wobbly. He grabs a new chair of the rack, smacks Rebecca in the back! McClane is pissed! Under 15 seconds! McClane grabs a new chair and MK and McClane square up! 10.......9.......8.. They clash chairs! McClane misses a swing! 7.........6....Dark Sentry sits up!....5......4...MK misses a shot!!!! 3........2.....Dark Sentry with a DIVING DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE to BOTH MEN sending the chairs into theirs heads!!! 1......DING!!!!! Match is over!!!! Dark Sentry with a diving attempt wins the match!!! 10, 9,8!!! McClane was beat at his own game!!!! MK had the match, if Rebecca wasn't clobbering him!!! Dark Sentry just pulled off an amazing upset victory and is the new TV Title Champ! The lights go out! The fans give an "awww" waiting for the suprise! The bell sounds! The lights return! Dark Sentry is now standing across the ring from........G-Crusher! Merlin has come out ONCE AGAIN!!!! He is making his presince felt tonight!!!! He is smiling and nodding! He is signaling at the TV Title and making the gesture that the belt should be around his waist! The lights go back out and the bell rings again! When the lights return G is no where to be found, leaving Dark Sentry alone in the ring with his belt around his waist!
WINNER: Dark Sentry with 10 Dented Chairs becoming NEW BJWC TV Title Champ
SCORES: Dark Sentry (10) Masta Killa (9) Chris McClane (8)
James Edgebrook: G-Crusher has cost Dan a belt and a win, has just entered himself in the TV Title rankings. He is all over! And this is his first day back! McClane must be pissed to build up for this event and then not deliver! He just didn't have his best stuff and his undefeated PPV record goes down the drain! Dark Sentry picks up the biggest win of his career! And I think Masta Killa got cheated by Rebecca but he sure put on a show!
Well, one DENTED CHAIR MATCH followed by another! Same rules, only the HARDCORE title on the line not the TV Title!
Continue with BJWC Dented 1999
Email: billyjay@angelfire.com