Formerly Known as RAGE in the CAGE
Date: Sunday, November 28th
Held: United Center, Chicago, ILL
BJWC Productions

(RAGE WARS appears next to the BJWC Logo they merge and explode into clips from the first annual Rage in the Cage now known as RAGE WARS! Cage matches galore. Showing all the battles inside the steel cells. Quickly it ends going right into RIOT with Tyler Lee holding up the BJWC belt. Cooper holding up his arm. TA looking upset. Clips of TA back in his club claiming not to be here in Chicago to ref the Main Event. McClane and Billy Jay working together as the fans boo like crazy. Shots of Cooper and Billy Jay face to face. Quick flashes of the men to be involved in the Royal Rumble! Clips of Lanier Riley and Merlin. Clips of the Mystery Masked Man attacking Dan. Clips of the Stalking Shadows attacking Dan! Clips of Merlin being pinned by Alpha and Omega to become new BJWC Tag Champs on RIOT! Clips of each women's wrestler battling. Shots of Rebecca with the title. Clips of Slick Rick the new King of the Rookies standing in a Junk Yard, and Masta Killa preparing. Clips of Ponce and Darren Hart yelling and battling. Shot of the WAR Title! Clips of the RAZOR CELL hanging from the rafters awaiting the TV Title Match Up! Clips of Ponce becoming the new Hardcore Champ. Clips of Tyler Lee and McClane going head to head. Clips of Danteand McClane and Rebecca. Clips of Billy Jay screwing Tyler Lee and then clips once again of Tyler Lee holding the BJWC World Title, with the look a satisfaction in his eyes. RAGE WARS logo floods the screen.)

(Pyros explode blue and purple and white! Fans in Chicago are going wild. The camera pans over the screaming crowd. Signs like "I am the Mystery Man" "Thank God Brian's Gone" "The ICON of BJWC Champions TYLER LEE" "Cooper Vs BJ equals Sir Sack!" "Bring back KAHN" "UNION 4 LIFE" and "BILLY JAY can SUCK IT!"! The signs are all over the arena. James Edgebrook looks over the crowd in amazement from his announcers table. Jeph Phillips is talking to him about the fans as they have to scream to hear each other. After a good minute or two of panning the crowd, "Calm like a Bomb" blares over the loudspeakers! Billy Jay steps out to BOOs like NEVER BEFORE! A "COOPER" Chant begins. A few rocks are tossed into the ring. Billy Jay wears a BLUE and BLACK tux obviously for RAGE WARS, with those very words on the back. Billy Jay grabs a mic like he is gonna speak but then rips off his tux and displays his wrestling outfit. Fans BOO even louder. Billy Jay has Sir Sack strapped around his waist. Billy Jay starts warming up as if his match was right now. He finally reatains the mic and speaks:)
Billy Jay: Welcome BJWC fans and Addicts!!!! (Fans cheer for the phrase that pays.) Chicago welcome to RAGE WARS 1999!!!!!! (Cheers again, quickly back into boos and Billy Jay seems dissapointed in the cheer.)
First off, serious matters! The farewell of Former Champ BRIAN HART! (Fans go nuts) VP Andrews last night in the BJWC before his LEAVE of ABSENCE!!! (Fans cheer VP Andrews name and it quickly grows quiet!) I get to kick COOPER's ASS!!!! (Fans boo) I get to watch two men tear each other up in a RAZOR WIRE CAGE LADDERS to HEAVEN MATCH!!!! (Fans go wild) Plus and junk yard match!!!! (some cheers) I get to watch Chris McClane become the BJWC Greatest World Champ in history! (Fans boo loudest) In the second ANNUAL "RAGE in the CAGE" MAIN EVENT MATCH!!!!! (Fans go nuts!)
Well, I'm gonna go make sure Cooper don't back out of our match. Let's get ready for the RUMBLE!!!!!!!
(Billy Jay hops the ropes and fakes to give his jacket to a teenage girl but rips it away and makes fun of her and then exits to the enormous boos.)

James Edgebrook: Welcome BJWC fans to RAGE WARS! Possibly the most hyped PPV in the history of the BJWC! This shall be the best show in BJWC history. We have rumors floating from pillar to post. Who is the mystery man? Who are the Stalknig Shadows? Will TA show up for the MAIN EVENT to Ref the match? Will Cooper get Sir Sack back? This shall be a night to remember!
Jeph Phillips: I was a big part of last years Rage in the Cage and I'm gonna co announce Rage Wars with James Edgebrook tonight. As you already said this shall be a night to remember. We have rumors of returning stars. Some say Outlander will return tonight. Some say Brian Hart is not really gone. Some say the biggest stable will only get bigger tonight! This shall be a night of suprises!
James Edgebrook: Wayne "The BLADE" Coll is on his way to the ring! What the hell does he have in store to kick off this PPV? Let's go to the ring!

In-Ring Interview

(fans give the Former BJWC Tag Champ a good opening ovation, he rolls into the ring with a mic.)
BLADE: "Yah, that's right. The APOC is in the house tonight. The Junkhouse! Masta Killa, good luck man, I got your back."
(The fans cheer a little, but not enough to interfere in Blade's interview.)
BLADE: "Now moving on the a bigger matter, well, actually a really bigger matter, and that is Big Machine. You see Big Machine, when you won that match on RIOT, you shouldn't have. No, I'm not saying you suck, or that you have no talent, no, Richard Head hasn't taught you that yet. But if you guys in the back could roll the footage please."
(A still picture of Big machine setting up for the finisher is shown. the picture then begins rolling.)
BLADE: "Alright! Stopit right there. You see Big Machine, you have Paco pinned all right, fair and square, but the stipulation was that you must pin him on a HARDCORE object. And buddy, you didn't exactly do that. So I guess after I'm done kickin' all of these sorry punks out of the ring in a minute here, and after I become the number one contender for the TURBO title, I will settle the score with you, ONE AND FOR ALL, RIGHT HERE TONIGHT! Big Machine, THE BLADE IS GONNA CUT... YOU... UP!"
(Blade then drops the mic and waits in the ring for the rest of the men to enter the ring for the Rumble.)

James Edgebrook: Well, I little heat from Blade he looks focused and ready to kick some ass. Here come the next one. The Rumble has begun! A new man will come out one after another until everyman is in the ring. You touch the floor you are eliminated.
Jeph Phillips: God I love these matches! Master is on his way to the ring. If he wins he gets a TV Title shot. This shall be a battle!

15 BJWC Superstars
Winner gets a shot at the Turbulence Title

Master and Blade are already duking it out. The bell has rung. Here comes Johnny Rocker. Three men race out right after each other. They are Chris Verve, Thorn, and Napoleon. They all dive into the ring. Big Machine runs out. Then Cyrus the Virus. Tommy Christofer next. Trenton "The Shark" Sharp! Exodus!!! Rebel! Shocker! Malice! This is pure Bedlem!!! Nobody has been eliminated! All 15 men are in the ring!!!! Blade quickly attacks Big Machine! Chris Verve double clotheslines Rebel and Shocker! Verve then taunts to the crowd. Trenton "The Sharp" climbs the top ropes! Tommy Christofer drop toe holds Sipple!!! SHARKS TOOTH!!!!! Then Trenton tosses him over the top rope! Chalk one up for the Shark! Thorn backbody drops Napoleon over the top ropes! Cyrus the Virus hits a brutal DVD and sends Johnny Rocker face first to his doom! Ten men left! Thorn tries to toss Exodus but Exodus blocks! Exodus with a drop kick sending Thorn over the top but he hangs on and pulls himself back in. Exodus then with a body press to Wayne THE BLADE Coll but Tommy Christofer stops Exodus. Exodus is then mod beaten by three men. Tommy Christopher and Trenton Shark start to hit each other but stop and then start taking people out together! Double team suplex over the top ropes to MALICE!!! Master charges and crushes Tommy Christopher over the top rope!!!! Masta blocks a Shark dropkick. Cyrus the Virus goes to spear Chris Verve but finds a knee to the kisser! Then stumbles right into a clothesline courtesy Exodus! Then Wayne Coll sends him head first to ringside. The Shark goes on a rampage with eye gauges and backbreakers and head butts, diving shoulderblocks off the top ropes! Fans are going nuts as he hits everyman in the ring with a move. He clotheslines Thorn over the ropes! Exodus is pulled into the corner by Master, Exodus reverses and puts Master on the top ropes! Master battles out of what seems to be a hurricanranna, Master then seemed to be going for a sit out powerbomb but Exodusd shifted his weight sending both men to ringside!!! Fans go nuts!!! Master is pissed! He dives back into the ring even though he is eliminated! Master starts attacking everyone! DDT! DDT again! Another! Snap suplex! Everyman in the ring is on the mat! Master is pulled from the ring! Exodus and Master fight up the ramp as the refs make sure they exit. Masta who was the favorite is now eliminated! Chris Verve and The Shark are locked up. Coll is going to work on the Big Machine yet the Big Machine has been playing defense all match making sure he doesn't get tossed! From the entrance comes Trentons ladies! Fans go nuts! They slowly approaches the ring. They get on the apron and seduces Chris Verve. He cannot resist! They begins to strip before his eyes. The fans are going nuts! Trenton from behind! INVERTED DDT! Then to the top ropes! SHARK's TOOTH!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Trenton picks him up to toss him but gets attacked from behind by Wayne Coll. Big Machine ignores the girls! Wayne Coll does not! The two ladies are totally letting Blade see everything he wants and the fans are going nuts. Blade reaches out to touch and Trenton from behind, but Blade was playing possum and lifts him in a samoan drop. then a low blow to Big Machine! Blade yells something at Big Machine and then hits the BLOODSWORD Tornado DDT!!! Fans go nuts! He then tosses the big man over the top ropes! THREE MEN LEFT!!!! Verve is double teamed!! Suplex OVER THE TOP ROPE!!!! Verve is out! NO! He landed on the apron!! Neither man noticed in the ring. Wayne Coll hits a tilt o whirl backbraeker, then a piledriver on Sharp. He climbs to the top TORNADO DDT!!!!NO!!!! Reversed into a sidewalk slam. Verve is playing dead on the apron, both men think Verve is out. Shark to the top rope! SHARKSTOOTH!!!! NO!!!! Blade moved! Blade once again pulls him into the corner! TORNADO DDT! BLOODSWORD!!!! Fans go nuts! Blade pulls him up and sends him towards the ropes, REVERSED Blade sent to the ropes! But he grabs the ropes! Trenton with a kneelift! Then a double arm DDT! Top ropes! SHARKSTOOTH!!!! Fans go nuts! He hits it too perfection! He lifts Blade and tosses him over the top ropes! And turns around with arms over his head! CHRIS VERVE WITH A FLYING CLOTHESLINE as he turns around!!!! Trenton is out!!!! fans go nuts!!! Chris Verve has won it!!!! Chris Verve defeated everyone!!!! What a battle!!!! The Shark wasn't aware anyone was left! He is comforted by his vallets. As he complains to the ref that Verve was already eliminated!
WINNER: Chris Verve co-#1 Contender for the Turbulence Title

James Edgebrook: What a match! Verve landed on the apron and just played dead and it worked like a charm. What a strategy! Trenton Sharp was all over that match, out of anyone he took out the most people, but Verve has the suprise attack! I can see those two battling it out in the near future. They sure had a battle.
Jeph Phillips: Chris Verve, The SHARK Trenton Sharp, and Wayne THE BLADE Coll, had an amazing first PPV Show! That was a great opening match! Let's hope the rest of these matches are half as entertaining and this will be the greatest PPV ever!!!!!
James Edgebrook: Looks like we got The Junk Yard Match up next! Masta Killa and the King of the Rookies Slick Rick! This shall be interesting!

"King of the Rookies" Slick Rick
Masta Killa

The junkyard is dark. There is steel fence surrounding the area. Slick Rick is standing a pile of scrap metal, and then announce his name. Masta Killa then comes running up the side of the rubble tossing a tire at the Slickster. They brawl at the top of the mound. A monkey flip by Rick sending Masta few feet down onto some engine parts. Slick Rick gets inside a car frame and waits for MK to climb back up and attacks him with a spear. MK slams the door onto Rick's ribs. Then takes a busted bar stool leg and bashes it over Slick Ricks head. But Slick Rick rolls away and then hits a sit out powerbomb. Masta Killa is busted open in the back of his head from the blow. Slick Rick takes big advantage with the SlickDriver on a tipped over washer and dryer making a huge dent. Masta Killa hit a suplex onto a grandfather clock and Slick Rick had wood peices in his back from the blow, and a few cuts. Masta Killa also slammed Rick's head on a lawnmower, an axel, and a broken biffey. But, Slick Rick took control right back with a clothesline and then another Slick Driver on a broken bench! Slick Rick was going for another Slick Driver to end the match, but the steel fence all of sudden gets KNOCKED DOWN??? It's a CAR!!! A car just rammed thru the steel fence!!! It HITS SLICK RICK!!!! A car just hit Slick Rick in the middle of the Junk Yard!!! The camera zooms in, IT's BLADE!!! Blade and Masta Killa proving they have each other's backs!!!! Fans are going nuts in Chicago. Masta Killa pulls himself up slowly. He finds Slick Rick down and out. Blade drives the car back thru the downed fense. Masta Killa with the easy pin! 1..........2.......KICKOUT! WOW?!?!??!?! Slick Rick just survived a car crash! Masta Killa is stunned. MK grabs a picture frames and tries to hit Rick, but he grabs it and drop kicks MK! Then Rick puts his face in the frame and gives his Movie Star pose! Then hits a headbutt thru the frame! Then a cover on MK! 1...........2........3NO!!! KICKOUT!!!! Masta Killa amazes us all!!! Masta Killa with a low blow then goes over to the fense. Slick Rick reverses and tosses MK into the fense and then takes the downed fense caused by the car, and wrapps it around MK! Then lifts him up in a IMPLANT BRAINBUSTER and a cover! MK can't move much less kickout! 1...........2.........3!!! It's OVER!!!! The KING of the ROOKIES is also the king of the Junk Yard!!! Slick Rick is the real deal!
WINNER: Slick Rick

James Edgebrook: What a battle! Anyone who thinks they've tried hardcore try this match! Slick Rick seems to have this JunkYard match down to a science. But MK sure put up a good fight. Blade sure proved helpful. Slick Rick may be seriously injured because of that car attack.
Jeph Phillips: That was the greatest JunkYard Match in BJWC, NO, I Wrestling History! The King of the Rookies is unbeleivable, he is not only a movie actor anymore!
James Edgebrook: I agree. Next we have the Hardcore Champ! The Former BJWC World Champion! PONCE, putting his retired WAR Title and his HARDCORE Title on the line against Darren Hart! This should be one hell of a match! Hardcore Rules, and we know Ponce and Darren both excel in those types of matches, so this should be a classic hardcore match!

Retired WAR Title on the Line
Ponce (Hardcore Champ)
Darren Hart

Ponce won in a two on one match Tuesday. So this match may be even easier. Ponce gets a huge pop. Darren gets boos mostly. Ponce with a series of kicks to begins the match. Darren with leg sweeps and brawling moves. Ponce hit a snap suplex and a shoulderbreaker, but when he went for a neckbreaker Darren broke free and hit a rolling german suplex into a pin. 1.........2.KICKOUT! Ponce tries to fight back but receives a spinning side slam. Darren Hart is on a roll! He locks on a choke hold. Ponce gets to the ropes. He stands! HEART ATTACK!!!! NO!!! Ponce reversed it! TIGER DRIVER 89'!!!!!! Fans go wild!!! Cover! 1..........2.......3NO!!!!KICKOUT!!!!! How did Hart kickout? Ponce is upset. Finally the match gets hardcore. A ladder and two tables enter the ring. Darren takes advantage using the ladder with a battering ram. Ponce is clobbered. Darren then hits a michunoku driver type of move and lays Ponce across a table and begins to climb the ladder. Darren gets to the very top. Ponce rolls off the table and climbs up the ladder after him. They exchange punches! Darren gets the upperhand!! BULLDOG!!!! BULLDOG OFF THE LADDER THRU A TABLE!!!!! Fans are going nuts!!!! Darren took a big blow as well but he is standing! He hits a quick splash and covers Ponce over the broken table. 1...........2............3.NO!!!! KICKOUT!!!! Somehow Ponce kicked out of a bulldog from the top of a ladder thru a table!!!! Fans are going nuts!!! Darren is pissed, he hits a brainbuster and then opens up another table, lays Ponce over it! Darren is going up the LADDER AGAIN!!!! He gets to the top! Ponce rolls off the table and slowly meets him at the top of the ladder!!! They duke it out! Ponce almost falls backwards off. The ladder shakes and they almost fall to ringside. Finally is becomes stready again! Elbow by Ponce! IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM!!!!!! OFF THE LADDER!!!! OHH MY GOD!!!!! THRU THE TABLE!!!!!! Ponce flips his arm over Darren Hart! 1............2...........3 It's over! POnce wins it with the IDIOSYNCRATIC SLAM off the ladder thru a table!
WINNER: Ponce still WAR and Hardcore Champ

James Edgebrook: He is the Hart Killer and he proves it again. I can't beleive how much better Darren Hart is without Brian Hart on his side! That bulldog from the top of the ladder was simply brutal. I see a rematch for the Hardcore Title between these two real soon!
Jeph Phillips: Darren Hart should have won! The ref counted too slow for him. Ponce was beat! I bet Darren would win in another match between these two! Darren Hart has gotten better and better from day 1.
James Edgebrook: Well they both put on a great show! Next we have the Women's Championship! Let's go to the ring!

Women's Title Match
Four Way Cage Match
Rebecca (champ)
Jennifer Streaks
Melanie Stenson

Billy Jay comes out with Melanie Stenson. She is dressed to wrestle. Wrestling tights on and everything. Billy Jay stays ringside to cheer her on. Next out comes Jennifer Streaks, wearing the total opposite. She has on a black mini dress that gets the fans attention. It is a short as it can be and showing as much cleavage as possible. It looks like she is going to a model shoot, not a wrestling match. Wearing a one peice outfit is never a good idea for a wrestling match. Next out comes Danica. She gets cheers. She is also dressed to wrestle, and she is deffinatley the top canidate to dethrone Rebecca. The cage begins to lower. Danica starts jawing at Jennifer for wearing what she is wearing. Danica promisses to rip all her clothes off if she doesn't stay away from her. Jennifer jaws right back. Out steps BJWC Women's Champ Rebecca with Chris McClane. The match starts as soon as the cage lands. McClane and Billy Jay at ringside on opposite sides. Rebecca starts attacking people with her belt. Hitting Jennifer and Danica! Then Melanie and Jennier nod to each other and they start picking apart each gal. Danica fights right back with a leg sweep. Then a clothesline. Then takes Jennifer and gets her a DDT! Then pulls off the black dress to the crowds enjoyment. Just as she promised! Danica then with a double bulldog on Melanie and Rebecca. Then grabs Jennifer who now only wears golden underwear and gives her a pulling piledriver! Fans go wild! Danica quickly begins to climb the cage but is pulled down by Melanie Stenson! Rebecca begins to climb. And Melanie is keeping both women occupied! Rebecca gets to the top! Fans are going nuts as Melanie rips Jennifer Streaks top right off her back, leaving her topless and pissed. Rebecca slowly climbing down. Topless Jennifer Streaks with a drop kick to Melanie! Then throwing Danica facefirst into the cage. Rebecca just about to the bottom, but Jennifer Streaks reaches thru the cage and holds her there. Jennifer is holding Rebecca thru the cage. Melanie then grabs Jennier's last remaining clothes and rips them off leaving her bare naked, she has to cover up as the fans go wild, forcing her to let go of Rebecca! Rebecca hits the ground! Jennifer Streaks is sitting in the corner pleading with them to toss her her shreads of clothes. They say hell no and exit thru the door of the cage. The ref finally gives her the short black dress and Jennifer puts it on exits under thru the second ropes as the cage rises to the rafters. Fans all reach to grabs Jennifer as she teases the crowd with her T&A as they go nuts! A fan even grabs her dress trying to rip her bare again but security stops him just in time as she jogs up the ramp and into the locker room!
WINNER: Rebecca still BJWC Womens Champ

James Edgebrook: Well Jeph has oddly gone to the bathroom, but that was entertaining to say the least. I think Jeph after he finishes with the bathroom may try to get an exclusive interview with the Lovely Jennifer Streaks. Since, thats the only person he ever watches in these matches. You can probably see why.
Well, the next match should be a battle. Taurus Vs Richard Head. These two have been fueding for a long time! Now it's time to decide a winner!

Richard Head

Taurus steps out and Head attacks him from behind on the ramp and the bells rings as the ref tries to get them to get in the ring! Head with a body slam on the ramp. Then a DDT! Follwed by a firemens carry, Taurus returns with a snap mare takedown. The ref finally gets them into the ring, but Head grabbed a chair on his way. Taurus spends the next few minutes dodging the weapon. Then hit a superkick into the chair! Covers Head. 1........2.......KICKOUT! Head with a leg takesdown into an ankle lock. Taurus fights back tries for a powerbomb but is reversed into a xfactor. Head with a Riccochette! Followd by a pump handle slam! Cover! 1.............2...ROPE BREAK!!!! Taurus can barely stand. But reverses a crossbody into a judo slam. Then sets Head on the top rope Reverse Neck Breaker from the top rope! Cover! 1............2.........3NO!!!! Kickout! Head somehow kicked out. Head is whipped off the ropes. Taurus bends down for a backbody drop. Head stops and grabs Taurus in a pump handle slam! Fans go nuts! Cover! 1.........2.........3! Head wins!
WINNER: Richard Head

James Edgebrook: Richard Head is slowly moving up the BJWC Ranks! Great match for him. Really proved his stuff.
Looks like Jeph has gotten Jennifer Streaks backstage to do what he calls an interview. He just wants a chance to be close to her.

Jennifer Streaks Interview

Jeph Phillips is sitting next to Jennifer who is wearing the same black dress that was stripped off her earlier. Her legs are clossed and that is all Jeph is looking at. She is attaching a mic to her dress and Jeph says he'll do it, with a big smile. He then begins the interview.
Jeph: Jennifer how do you feel after being stripped on live television?
Jennifer: It was the only way they could win, so they cheated as usual. If I was givin a fair fight, me Vs any of those Women I would strip them and pin them 1....2.....3 With out anytrouble.
Jeph: How do you feel about becoming the BJWC's Biggest Sex Symbol?
Jennifer: It doesn't go to my head.....(she pauses and then uncrosses and recrosses her legs to the excitment of the crowd. Jeph is stunned and is frozen.) ........What can I say, I'm better looknig than Rebecca and Danica and melanie, plus, the fans love me. I am also more talented. All I need is someone to back me up, like Billy Jay does with Melanie, and Chris with Rebecca.
Jeph: I'll back you up!
(Jennifer laughs at him. He drops his head in shame.)
Jennifer: (Showing off her thigh and letting the straps of her dress drop off her shoulder.) Any wrestler who can actually stand up for a girl like me, (looks at Jeph) let me know! I'd love too accompany any BJWC star to the ring. I promise to boost, your career, and boost something else if you know what I mean!
(Jeph wipes sweat off his forehead and watches Jennifer walk away and then sends it back to James.),br>

James Edgebrook: Well it seems Jennifer wants a wrestler on her side. She seems a little lonely. How can someone like her be lonley? It sure suprises me!
Jeph is already set up for another interview let's go to the locker room.

Lockerroom Interview with Dante

Jeph Phillips: Dante, big match coming up here, any final comments?
Dante: Dehart, I hope you are ready. Now we will be in the same ring, and that wiseguy that wears the mask will be in the ring with us too. We are all legal for the pin now. And, uh, just so everyone knows. I am going to put "The Hit" on both men, but make the cover on Dehart. Mystery Bum doesn't deserve this title shot, so I won't even bother putting the freakin' pin on him.
Jeph Phillips: Well good luck Dante...
Dante: One more thing. Dehart, Mystery Masked Coward, THE HIT HAS BEEN ORDERED. In a few minutes, I am gonna make you two, FORGET ABOUT IT...

James Edgebrook: Wow! Dante looks ready to rock, here in a few minutes. I wouldn't be suprised if he walked out the NA Champ tonight!
Next we have a substitute tag team The Party Boys! Filling Brian Harts spot in the Tag Title Match against Alpha and Omega!

Rage Wars Continued

Email: billyjay@angelfire.com