Most people wanted to see more Dirt Jumping

Local News and interviews wins that catogory

And most people think the ABA does a fair job

Bmx Vote

On this page you can vote for whatever you like best

On the 1st of each month i will put the results on the sidebar

If there is any Questions you would like to see on here drop me a line and i will put them up for the following month

Dont forget in each section you must hit the Vote button.


Question #1

Do you feel that the sport of Bmx is changeing for the better or worse since it has been growing bigger?

    or if you would like to see something else please put your answer in the box and click the vote here button


Question #2

Which do you enjoy more racing indoor or outdoor?

    Or if you would like to add something to this catagory put your answer in the box and click the Vote here button.

    Drop me a Line