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Cass Lake High School
Class of 1978

20 years
and still counting!


To the Cass Lake High School
Class of 1978

Does anyone have any 2008 information to post to this website? I have my email working again :) so get me back in your address book, and send me the details!

I am going to try and dress up this site again, and add a few more things to make it interesting again. If there is anything you would like to add, just send it my way! I will be VERY greatful!

Please take a moment to sign our guest book on your way through these pages, as we would like to know how many alumni have seen these pages. If you have any updates, additions or corrections, please let us know. We wish that this website will keep up in better contact with one another. See you at the next Reunion! Check for the information here first!

Please notice the new creation of the Teachers Pages. The page on Mrs. Engebretson was posted due to her illness and passing. Please visit the "Teachers" link and leave your comments in the Guest book provided.

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For further 1978 Class information, contact:
Joe Thompson
HCR 1 Box 43
Bena, MN 56626

For WebSite updates and information, contact:
Brenda Beebe Wieland

This website was updated 8/2/2006
and is constantly under construction

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CLHS Links

1978 Yearbook
1988 Reunion
1998 Reunion
Student Biographies
Cass Lake Links
Future Events

Angelfire Easiest Home Pages
