OASIS Online / Field TripsCheck out out field trips dates & times. Also take a look at some of the additional websites associated with each field trip. Contact MPrz@LL.net for more information on each field trip. ENJOY!!!
OASIS Field Trips 2000-2001 School Year
22nd Apple Ridge Orchard
18th River Rendezvous (9:00-2:00)
26th Orchestra Hall (11:30am)
6th Steele County Courthouse (9:00-11:00) Deadline 9/27/00
10th Art Class (10:00-12:00)
17th Art Class (10:00-12:00)
16th M. Swearingen (10:30-11:30)
20th Roller-Skating Fun Day (9:00-11:00) Deadline 10/6/00
27th Tour of McDonalds (10:00-11:00) Lunch Afterwards Deadline 10/18/00
10th Game Day (1:00-3:00)
14th Godfather's Pizza Tour (9:00-11:00) Deadline 11/1/00
29th Swimming Fun Day (1:00-4:00)
To Be Announced Star Gazing with Mr. C
14th Valentines Day Party
16th Game Day (1:00-3:00)
25th Presentation Day (2:00)
28th Lyle the Crocodile (play)