My Past Accomplishments

Most of my salt and pepper shaker collection
I own over 250 sets of salt and pepper shakers.

Receiving awards at competitions for Office Education Association during high school
1986 Region OEA competition received 2nd place trophy in Parliamentary Law
1987 OEA Region competition was awarded: 1st in Parliamentary Law; 2nd in Computerized Accounting; 4th in Financial Specialist; 5th in Proofreading/Editing and
I received the OEA Diplomat Torch Award for outstanding participation
1987 State OEA competition was awarded: 1st in Parlimentary Law; 3rd in Business Knowledge II; 6th in Computerized Accounting; 6th in Proofreading/Editing
Went on to 1987 National Competition in Des Moines, Iowa
I was excellent in fund raisers also. Top sales in Office Education Association and Senior class fund raiser.
College fund raiser sold over $500 for Business Professionals of America in 1989--received a trophy for this.
Also in high school: Elks Student of the Month in December 1986
Tutor for National Honor Society
Secretary for OEA (2 years)
Skills Fair held at Technical College awarded: 1st Business Awareness,
1st Bookkeeping, and 3rd Editing Documents.

Some of the awards I received in 4-H
I was a member of 4-H for 10 years and was elected to all the offices.
I was awarded 7 trophies and Key Award for leadership.

1990 Graduate from Technical College

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