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Gratuitous Link Page

Buddy's Pages
  • Wendy's Page
  • Kenny's Page (no, not the guy from South Park)
  • Nynaeve's Page
  • Amy's Page (changes weekly)
  • The EggZone
  • Bands That I Like
  • Out of the Grey
  • Lost and Found
  • Poor Baker's Dozen
  • dc Talk
  • Moxy Fruvous
  • Dave Matthews Band
  • Barenaked Ladies
  • Silly & Weird Sites
  • The Spoon
  • The Corporation
  • Haiku Headlines and other stuff
  • Humor in the News
  • X-Files Sites
  • Nynaeve's Other Page
  • Episode Guide
  • Tiny Dancer's X-Files Episode Guide has moved and I can't find it. If you know where it is, please e-mail me.
  • Autumn Tykso's Reviews
  • The Lair of the Rat (An Alex Krycek page)
  • Looking for me? I might be...
  • chatting in room #1
  • or posting on the X-Files message board, although I haven't done this for awhile.

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