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First Strike
First Strike is a spectacular, must-see Chan film. Besides it's incredible stunts and fight scenes, it has one of the best plots I've seen in a Chan film. I didn't understand most of it until the third time I saw it, but the plot has some good depth to it.

The stunts in this movie are spectacular, although they don't compare to Supercop. The snowboarding scene in the beginning is okay, and the helicopter explosion was really cool. Damn, that water had to be cold. Jackie Chan is a stud.

And then there's the fighting. All I can say is damn. The ladder scene is what I consider the second best Chan fight ever, second only to the gang beating scene in Rumble in the Bronx.  The scene on stilts is just unbelievable. I didn't believe one could kick on stilts, but Jackie did it. A funny scene I just have to mention is when Jackie's walking along, and he realizes he's being follows. So he does a fast rear kick, and whiffs completely. The guy's about ten feet behind him.

The ending stunt with the car jump is great. That's all I can say. It rules. Basically, this is just a no brainer. Don't just see this movie, buy it. Show it to your kids or something. It rules.

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