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Care's Hanson Fan Stories

cool links! the stories! email me! second index! Yellow is IN!

Hey everybody, just incase you were looking for some really good RECENT Hanfic, instead of the three-years-ago stuff on this site, check out my newest and most interesting, (and definitely most um, non-Teenie) delve into hanson fiction... Terrified.... So check it out!! :)

To my buds: A big scary HELLO!!!!: to Katt, Noah, Amy Lee, and the rest of the Anti-Posse Posse (and it's many honorary extensions) *LOL*. :)

If you have links to your stories, send me the URL!!! I'll post it on my links page 'k? 'K. : ) All ya gotta do is put up my banner!!! (or a plain link.)

And if you have a story, but no page, Send it to me anyway! I love reading them! And now and then, I host a story!! Email me for more details. And PLEEEEASE, if you know HTML, do that stuff yourself, alright??? It helps me out a LOT.


***** Link me if you want?! Use my coolio banner:

This page is MINE and all the stuff on it is MINE! Except for Hanson, who I do not own, or even know (unfortunately), so they belong to themselves, and possibly to Mercury Records, I don't know...... ANYWAY, this page is oh, say 99.97% © Care Gaston, 1997-2000!!!! ICQ: 10855182 AOL: Cheshire Care
