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Donnehaven's Satin Doll

[August 24, 1988 - November 17, 1997]

"My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion forever." (Psalms 73.26)

This page last updated on 11/17/97.

In March of this year, Kina, was diagnosed with a cancerous thyroid tumor. Every available treatment avenue was pursued, including experimental therapies. One in particular appeared to be having success in holding off the growth of the tumor and because of this treatment, Kina was blessed with five more months with her loving family.

On November 11th, however, Kina's condition took a downward turn. Diagnosed with what was originally thought to be a urinary tract infection, Kina was started on antibiotics. It was soon discovered that her condition was much more critical...Kina's liver was no longer functioning. On November 17th, Kina was released from her pain and suffering, and sent to the Rainbow Bridge, where she waits for her family to join her in God's Kingdom. She was a precious gift that can never be replaced in her family's hearts...she will be sorely missed.

Plans are currently in the works to set up a memorial fund in her name at the veterinary hospital where she was treated, where she made her gallant last stand. This fund will serve to assist those who, while able to afford routine veterinary care, may not have enough to handle the cost of an emergency. Through the generousity of others, Kina was able to try a treatment that she would not otherwise have had the chance to try. While Kina's treatment was not successful in saving her, the fact remains that she was given the chance to try it, and this is something that her family believes should be a basic right for all animals...that no animal should have to go without treatment due to their family's inabilty to pay.

In her memory, we are dedicating this site as a beacon of hope to those creatures still with us that need our help. Kina may now be beyond our reach, but the love and altruism which she fostered in the lives of those that knew her shouldn't be.

A Dog Sits Waiting

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.
He's been here for days now with nothing to do
but sit by the road, still waiting for you.
He can't understand why you left him that day,
he thought you and he were just stopping to play.
He's sure you'll come back, and that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?
His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched and dry.
He lays down his head and
closes his eyes...
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

                                                          Kathy Flood


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