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Some people may ask in disgust: "What the heck does this guy know about Buddhism?"   The answer is: "Probably nothing." That's why I would like you to join me on a journey through Buddhism.

The Story of Buddha is a very interesting account, although short, about this interesting man. There is also a more detailed introduction to Buddhism, also available, on a Buddhist Homepage, one of the many.

Who invented Buddhism? Well, nobody! But, around about 525 BC, what is known as Buddhism philosophy took birth reportedly near Benares, India.
The founder, Gautama Siddhartha (ca. 563-480), the Buddha, who
achieved enlightenment through intense meditation, was asked to teach people how to achieve enlightnement, and he found it very hard, because people were not in the mood for that! They wanted money and power, just like today!

Buddhism defines reality in terms of cause-and-effect relations, thus accepting the doctrine common to Indian religions of Samara, reincarnation, or bondage to the repeating cycle of births and deaths according to one's physical and mental actions.

Buddhism, interestingly enough, is present nowadays in countries such as Thailand, where there are two kind of Books, the TIPITAKA and ATTHAKATHA, from what I understand.

Tibetan Buddhism, I found to be very varied, probably because Tibet as a country no longer exist. Worth having a look!

Have you heared of Shin Buddhism? Well, now you have!

What about Theravada Buddhism? Yes, you did!

And Soka Gakkai Buddhism? Not untill now!

Everybody knows of Zen Buddhism, it is more common than Perrier drinking water!

What I really love about Zen Buddhism, is their short stories, called KOANS, and you should have a look at them too. They are full of wisdom and humor!

Another beautiful story, is that of The Bull. Keep turning the pages when you read, there are many chapters! Look at athe bottom of the Bull Page for the Next Page.

One of the most famous Gospels of today, is The Gospel of Buddha. It is a huge text, but don't dispare, no one will blame you if you don't understand it!


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