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                             The Theosophical Society

What is Theosophy?

As a National Member of the Theosophical Society, and even prior to that, I have often asked my self this question. And every time, I find it harder and harder to come up with an answer. Why? Let's try and see. I quote from The Theosophical Society Page, and I hope I offend no one in doing so:

"Theosophy is undefined and is verily indefinable. However, the following statement, known in modern Theosophical literature as the "Three Great Truths" indicate the Theosophical approach to life.

Theosophical aim

Three Great Truths of Life:

1.  The soul of man is immortal, and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and splendor has no limit.
2.  The principle which gives life and dwells in us and without us is undying and eternally beneficent, is not seen or heard or smelt, but is perceived by the man who desires perception.
3  Each man is his own absolute law-giver, the dispenser of glory or gloom to himself, the decreer of his life, his reward, his punishment.

These truths which are as great as is life itself, are as simple as the simplest mind of man.

Who is a Theosophist?

One can become a member of the Theosophical Society by filling in the required application form, and paying the annual dues as indicated, but to be a Theosophist is to make an earnest effort to translate one's ideals and beliefs into one's daily life and behavior. No better description of the Theosophist can
be found than expressed by H.P. Blavatsky in her famous Golden Stairs. They describe the qualities of a Theosophist as follows:

'A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an
unveiled spiritual perception, a brotherliness for all, a readiness
to give and receive advice and instruction, a courageous endurance
of personal injustice, a brave declaration of principles, a valiant
defense of those who are unjustly attacked and a constant eye to the
ideal of human progression and perfection which the sacred science
depicts - these are the golden stairs up the steps of which the
learner may climb to the Temple of Divine Wisdom'."

It is very easy to judge Theosophy, as some do, on the merit of some members, Lodges or activities, but the one who is concerned with the Truth, and Theosophy, such a person will never attempt to discredit neither the member nor the Lodges; one will stay focused on the search, and rid these barriers at the very start of the search. It is very easy to get caught in gossip, in activities of judging and condemning. A Theosophist will never dare to attend to such petty and insignificant, but damaging affairs.

Damaging, because the new comers who are not initiated in the wisdom of Theosophy, may feel nervous about joining the search on the account of surface pettiness described. They may thus depart and lose the chance to learn, progress and join the Theosophical Fraternity, World-Wide. So, beware, members and associates, that you do not give a false image on something so pure and timeless, that you do not depart yourselves from reaching the Truth by engaging in such activities.

The Theosophical Society - Brisbane Lodge.

Program of activities, May-August 1998.

15 May. 7-30 p.m.  The Ancient wisdom in Architecture by prof. Bal Sinai
16 May. 1-30 p.m.  Other Levels of Understanding, by Hugh Dixon
17 May. 10 a.m.      Krishnamurti group
22 May. 7-30 p.m.  Jnana Yoga: the way of knowledge, by Hugh Dixon
29 May. 7-30 p.m.  Nurturing our soul, using our senses, by Jack Shouten
5 June. 7-30 p.m.    Forum: Life and Death, Day and Night, etc. by Arunachalam
12 June 7-30 p.m.   Thai Chi, Quigong by Sandra Giles
13 June 1-30 p.m.   Continuous Change: Birth and Death by Dixon, M & Louise
19 June 7-30 p.m.   Meditation and Mystical experience, by Rod Bucknell
21 June 10 a.m.       Krishnamurti group
26 June 7-30 p.m.   The Presence of the Past, video, with Rupert Sheldrake
3 July 7-30 p.m.      Feldenkrais Intro
10 July 7-30 p.m.    Nature, Art, Science & Humanity, by Trish Ossenberg
11 July 1-30 p.m.    Meditation, by Michael Dixon
17 July 7-30 p.m.    Wholistic approach to Consciousness, by J. Miller
19 July 10 a.m.        Krishnamurti group
24 July 7-30 p.m.    The Eneagram & universal Brotherhood, by G. Bailey
31 July 7-30 p.m.    The pilgrimage of the soul, what does it mean? Arunachalam
7 Aug  7-30 p.m.     Nature of Mind, video, with Krishnamurti, Bohm, Sheldrake
8 Aug  1-30 p.m.     Is there a divine plan? by Edna Jenks
14 Aug 7-30 p.m.    The seven rays, by Arthur Van Alphen
16 Aug 10 a.m.        Krishnamurti group
21 Aug 7-30 p.m.   Awareness and discovery, treasurehouse of psyche, Williams
28 Aug 7-30 p.m.   Alexander and Aristotel, by Lyn Muller

Other Activities

Every Wednesday, 10 a.m. Study group on Ancient wisdom, modern insight book by Shurley Nicholson

Every Wednesday 12 p.m. Study group The divine plan, by Geoffrey Barboka

Every Wednesday, 12 p.m. Intro to Theosophy short course

All Welcome, ring 38391453.  Library and bookshop hours, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Monday to Friday.

Theosophical Links

Adyar: Home of the Theosophical Society - where the International Headquarters of the Theosophical Society are located. Page contains 32 color pictures and tries to define the true spirit of Adyar.
New York Theosophical Society - grounded in the universal brotherhood of humanity, the study of religion, science, philosophy and the unknown laws of nature.
Northwest Branch of The Theosophical Society - dedicated to practical realization of the oneness of all life and to independent spiritual search.
Theosophical Society - international headquarters. Basic Concepts of Theosophy, a brief history of the Society, and a catalog of theosophical literature.
Theosophical Society in America - headquarters.
Theosophical Society in Australia
Theosophical Society in Brazil
Theosophical Society in Hobart, Tasmanis,Australia
Theosophical Society in Oakland, California
Theosophy Lodge Online - resource center for theosophical study and discussion. Live discussions held via telnet every Wednesday 9 to 10:30 pm ET.
United Lodge of Theosophists - original teachings of Theosophy as recorded in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky and William Q. Judge.
Blavatsky Foundation - promotes greater public understanding of Theosophy as given in the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky.
Blavatsky Net - continuing research and verification of Theosophy.



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