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Sarah Elizabeth Bryan 6.4

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Sarah After Surgery

Here is Sarah in her wagon at University California San Francisco (UCSF) Hospital a few days after her open heart surgery. She is not ambulatory at this time, and so to get her out of the bed and moving around a bit, they have wagons for the children. In case she looks drugged , she is still on very strong pain killers, but if you look carefully, you'll also notice she has a wad of bubble gum the size of a plum in her mouth, It was one of the things she had asked Grandma Ley to bring her for after surgery. She had been given gum on the way to San Francisco and spent the driving time learning how to blow a bubble !!

Sarah at Golden Gate Bridge

Sarah is sitting in front of the Golden Gate Bridge in a new dress given to her by her Aunt "Ninnie" (Jennifer). The trip across was promised to her for when she left the hospital to go home, so after this she was on her way home and doing well !!! Aunt Ninnie drove Sarah and her Mom home.

Sarah Wishes to Thank

Aunt Teraisa for staying at our home and taking care of SEVEN children age 2 to 11 (and not going crazy at the same time).

Sister Anne for helping Aunt Teraisa with all the little kids.

Brother Matthew for helping Aunt Teraisa and Papa.

Sister Maddelyn for , well, for being Maddelyn.

Brother Garrett for being a pretty good baby for his Aunt Teraisa.

Cousins Alexis, Venice and Kaydance for leaving their home and sharing their Mom with my brothers and sisters for THREE weeks.

Aunt "Ninnie" (Jennifer) for coming to help at the hospital, my new dress and the trip home. Uncle Rob for being nice enough to let Aunt "Ninnie" leave him for a few weeks.

The O'CONNOR and GOODWIN genealogy mailing lists that Grandma Ley is the listowner. All the individual "Cousins" that sent get well cards, gifts, prayers and lots of Love.

The people from the Cocker Spaniel Clubs, the O'Connor and Goodwin Mailing list and all the other individual friends and neighbors that donated blood in Sarah's name.

All of the peolple who donated and continue to donate and do fund raising for the Ronald McDonald Houses all over the world.

The other people in my life, Papa, Georgie Pop and Uncle Dean for letting Aunt Teraisa go away for 3 weeks and all others I may have missed here.

Mr. and Mrs Dumas for their wonderful support and prayers. And the present too.

And special thanks to Katie and ALL her family who spoiled me in so many ways while I was in the hospital. ( Katie (1 year old) also had open heart surgery the same day I did. Her large loving family became my family.) I can't wait to see them again.

And this is for everyone, thank you for all the cards and presents.

I LOVE YOU ALL, Thanks for making my stay in the hospital less stressful and a little happier.

And Please, can we all say some prayers for my new friends, Kendra, Cassidy and Aiden, very special Babies who need those prayers. (All 3 are waiting for or have just recieved liver transplants at UCSF)

Sarah Elizabeth Bryan Age 6 years and 4 months.


The Rest of the Gang

Baby Hudson