Maija's Christmas calendar - Day 22
<HerraRosk> Does this fit with the Hollow Earth theory?
<HerraRosk> Yes. Beneath the Earth, or hanging off the edges, is a land populated by either green-skinned women or Nazis. All those claiming to have seen this have misintepreted it to fit in with the spurious and false Spherical Earth theory.
<HerraRosk> hoo boy.
<HerraRosk> ok they mention the giant turtle. sheesh. everyone knows it's held up by 4 elephants.
<TomcatGRM> only 3
<TomcatGRM> one of them is in jail
<HerraRosk> He's innocent tho.
<HerraRosk> yeah, but you know... racism
Pages created by Maija Haavisto. Last updated: 22nd December 2003